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Clinical research courses

  • Job Openings for Pharmacy graduates as Assistant Manager at KMSCL

    Kerala Medical Services Corporation (KMSCL) is a fully owned Government Corporation for providing services to the various health care institutions under the department of Family Welfare as per Section 67 of Companies Act; 1956. The company was incorporated on 28th December 2007. One of the key objectives of the KMSCL is to act as the central procurement agency for all essential drugs and equipments for all public healthcare institutions under the department. The company is procuring drugs worth more than Rs 170 crores & above 250 different types of medical equipments and also provides services needed for health sector.

    Post : ASSISTANT MANAGER (Drugs) - 02 posts

  • Walk in interview for Pharmacist at KMSCL

    Kerala Medical Services Corporation (KMSCL) is a fully owned Government Corporation for providing services to the various health care institutions under the department of Family Welfare as per Section 67 of Companies Act; 1956. The company was incorporated on 28th December 2007. One of the key objectives of the KMSCL is to act as the central procurement agency for all essential drugs and equipments for all public healthcare institutions under the department. The company is procuring drugs worth more than Rs 170 crores & above 250 different types of medical equipments and also provides services needed for health sector. The corporation has also been entrusted with the setting up and running of all kinds of modem Medical and Paramedical or medical based ancillary facilities such as hospitals, pathological labs, diagnostic centers, x-ray/scanning facilities.

    Post : Pharmacist

  • Job as Quality Control Manager in Kerala Medical Services Corporation Limited

    Kerala Medical Services Corporation Limited (KMSCL) is a fully owned Government of Kerala Company set up in 2008 as a procurement agency for essential drugs and equipment for all Govt. hospitals/health care institutions of the State including Medical College Hospitals need the following personnels on Deputation/Contract basis.

    Post: Quality Control Manager- 01

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