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Clinical research courses

  • Vacancy for M.Pharm as Project Fellow at Jamia Hamdard

    The history of Jamia Hamdard begins with the establishment of a small Unani clinic in the year 1906 by Hakeem Hafiz Abdul Majeed, one of the well-known practitioners of Unani System of Medicine of his time. Hakeem Hafiz Abdul Majeed had a vision of making the practice of Unani Medicine into a scientific discipline so that Unani medicines could be dispensed in a more efficacious manner to patients.

    Post : Project Fellow

  • Applications are invited for Junior Research Fellow at Acharya & BM Reddy College of Pharmacy

    Acharya & BM Reddy College of Pharmacy, affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS), Karnataka, Bengaluru, approved by Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) and Life Sciences Sector Skill Development Council (LSSSDC), New Delhi. The college is Re-accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with CGPA 3.26 on 4.00. It is Recognized as Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) by DSIR, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India and is Recognized by Government of Karnataka and University Grants Commission (UGC). Received the Best Industry Linked Pharmacy Institute in India award by AICTE-CII Survey-2016.

    Post : Junior Research Fellow

  • Work as Project Assistant at inStem

    The Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (inStem), is a state-of-the-art research institute in Bangalore, India, dedicated to the study of stem cell and regenerative biology. An autonomous institute funded by the Dept of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, inStem emphasizes collaborative research in stem cell biology. inStem’s mandate to allow this cross-disciplinary, multi-pronged approach to research, straddles the divide between clinical and laboratory research in stem cell biology. In trying to answer intractable and challenging questions that face the field, inStem seeks to rewrite the paradigm of the research institute: without barriers and across disciplines.

    Post : Project Assistant position- VNOCI grant

  • Recruitment for M.Pharm, M.Sc in National Level Research at PBTI | Government Job

    PBTI welcomes you to its state-of-the- art Agri & Food Testing Laboratory set up at SAS Nagar (Mohali), the hub of Biotechnology and Information Technology in Punjab. PBTI is a State Govt. Undertaking registered as a ‘Society for Biotechnology Incubator' under the Society Registration Act 1961 and  is professionally governed by Governing Council of the Society under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Govt. of Punjab. The day to day affairs are managed by Chief Executive Officer, supported by technical professionals of high caliber.

    Post : Project Associate

  • Require Project Assistant at Indian Institute of Chemical Biology

    IICB Institute was established in 1935 as the first non official centre in India for biomedical research and was included within the aegis of CSIR in 1956. IICB today is engaged in research on diseases of national importance and biological problems of global interest, employing sophisticated state-of-the-art technology in keeping with the rapid and unprecedented momentum that life science research has gained globally over the last 50 years. IICB is one of the major institutes in India which initiated, right from its inception, multidisciplinary concerted efforts for conducting basic research on infectious diseases, specifically leishmaniasis and cholera, along with the development of technologies for the diagnosis, immunoprophylaxis, and chemotherapy of the diseases.

    Post : Project Assistant Level - II

  • Applications are invited for Project Assistant at Panjab University

    The University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Panjab University is a premier institution of Pharmaceutical Education and Research in the country. The institute has covered a long and glorious journey of 76 years starting from Lahore in 1944 and finally settling to the present campus in Chandigarh at the foothills of Himachal. In its travelogue, the institute crossed multiple milestones and continue to head ahead towards the well-defined goals. The elevation of the status from department to the level of an institute i.e. University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences in 1994, and hosting of Indian Pharmaceutical Congress in the same year, two presidential honors of the Indian Pharmaceutical Congresses to its faculty members, a special recognition by the UGC by granting SAP in 1993 and COSIST in 1981 establishment of ICMR Advanced Centre for standardization of Drugs of Indian System of Medicine are some of the major hallmarks on the path treaded so far.

    Post : Project Assistant Laboratory

  • Applications are invited for Senior Project Associate at IITK

    IIT KanpurThe Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur was established in the year 1960. The Parliament of India passed the ‘Institutes of Technology Act 1961’ declaring all the IITs as “Institutions of National Importance”. The Parliamentary Act has given absolute autonomy to the IITs. When the foundation stone of the IIT system was laid, it was perceived that taking help from the industrially advanced western countries might be lot more effective in achieving the status of a world class technical institute. Hence, IIT Kanpur had a massive collaboration with USA through a specially created programme- KIAP (Kanpur Indo American Programme).

    Applications are invited for the post of temporary project position in the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) sponsored research Project (BT/IN/SWEDEN/08/AK/2017-18). The project is being implemented under joint International collaborative research project between India and Sweden (DBT-VINNOVA) with research partners from IIT Kanpur, India and Lund University, Sweden.

    Post : Sr. Project Associate (One)

  • Career for M.Pharm / M.Tech as Senior Research Fellow at Anna University

    Anna University Chennai Regional Office Tiruchirappalli (Formerly Anna University Tiruchirappalli) has been established as a Anna University Chennai Regional Office Tiruchirappalli by the Government of Tamilnadu. The Regional Office is functioning from 01-08-2012 at Tiruchirappalli, which is famously known as Rock Fort city. The Regional Office is situated 17Kms away in the main highway of Tiruchirappalli to Pudukkottai.

    Applications are invited for the post of Senior Research Fellow on temporary basis for the NASF, New Delhi sponsored research project in the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University College of Engineering, BIT Campus, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024.

    Post : Senior Research Fellow

  • Opening for Post Doctoral Position in University of Copenhagen - 4 posts

    The University of Copenhagen actively influences current and future generations through excellent research, education and co-operation. UCPH is one of the highest ranked universities in Europe and is Denmark’s oldest university, founded in 1479. Today, the University has 40,000 students and 9,000 employees affiliated across six faculties: humanities, law, natural sciences, social sciences, health sciences and theology.

  • Application are invited for DBT-Junior Research Fellowship Programme

    Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the award of "DBT-Junior Research Fellowship" (DBT-JRF) for pursuing research in frontier areas of Biotechnology and Applied Biology. JRFs will be selected according to merit under two categories: Category I & II. Category I fellowship (Top 275 in number) are tenable in any University/Institute in India where the students can register for Ph.D. Category II students (100 in number) will be eligible to join any DBT sponsored project and avail fellowship from project, equivalent to NET/GATE qualifications as per DST Guidelines, subject to selection through institutional selection process. Registration for Ph.D will be decided by Institutional rules. Fellowship will be co-terminus with the duration of project and institutional rules will be applicable. There will be no binding on Pls of DBT sponsored projects to select JRF/SRF for their projects from category II list. Selection in Category II will not entitle student for any fellowship from DBT-JRF programme.

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