Maharaja Agrasen University (MAU) derives its name from Maharaja Agrasen, born during the last stages of Dwapar Yuga in the Mahabharat epic era who established the Kingdom of Agroha, near Hissar in Haryana, about 5000 years ago. His monarchy consisted of 18 units. The head of each unit was given a specific 'gotra'. Equality, Humanism and Non violence were the guiding principles of his kingdom. He promulgated that any immigrant coming to Agroha to settle down be given a brick and a rupee by each resident. Thus, he would have a hundred thousand bricks to build a house for himself, and a hundred thousand rupees to start a new business. This way, with a small help from the society, all citizens could attain equal status in a community of equals. The Government of India issued a postage stamp in 1976 to commemorate the 5100th Jayanti of Maharaja Agrasen.