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pharma courses



  • Job for Pharmacists (07 Posts) at Zilla Parishad

    The following contract vacancies are to be filled under District Health Society, Zilla Parishad, Satara

    Post : Pharmacist

  • Recruitment for Pharmacists (200 posts) at Apollo Pharmacy - Maharashtra

    Apollo pharmacy is a leading retail chain of pharmacy, It's asia's largest healthcare group. Our growing Retail Pharmacy network touches lives across the length and breadth of India. With over 35 years of retailing experience, customer-focused service and brand value our network spans out to 4500+ retail pharmacies through which we have been serving our customers for their healthcare needs 24x7.

    Post : Pharmacist / Supervisor

  • Job for Pharmacists under Public Service Commission

    Maharashtra Public Service Commission is an Autonomous Body constituted and set up under Article 315 of the Constitution of India to discharge the duties and functions as assigned under Article 320 of the Constitution. The Commission accordingly recommends suitable candidates for the various posts under the Government and advises Government on various service matters like formulation of recruitment rules, on promotions, transfers, and disciplinary proceedings, etc.

  • Openings for Pharmacists under ZP Satara

    For those posts to be filled in the reservation of newly included Divyang category and in the reservation of newly included parallel category only as prescribed in Official applications are being invited at The details of reservation of newly included disabled category and reservation of newly included parallel category for recruitment are as mentioned in the statement in paragraph 3.

    Post : Pharmacist

  • Quality Assurance, Quality Control Job at Rubicon Research

    Rubicon is a responsible partner to global healthcare innovators; to design and deliver quality products for making patients lives healthy and happy. Rubicon provides reliable service and comprehensive product development solutions to ensure advancement of a product candidate through development, registration and commercial supplies.

    Rubicon Research - Satara an MHRA/TGA approved oral liquids manufacturing site is inviting applications for below positions.

  • Job for Pharmacists in Zilla Parishad at Dedicated Covid Health Center

    As the number of patients under COVID-19 has increased in Satara district, the following vacancies have been filled on contract and temporary basis in DCHC / DCH / CCC will be filled in the method.

    Post : Pharmacist

    Qualification : D.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.Pharm
    Salary : Rs.17,000/- pm

  • Vacancy for Assistant Professor, Lecturer at Meruling Shikshan Sanstha’s College of Pharmacy

    Meruling Shikshan Sanstha’s College of Pharmacy, Medha vision is to shape professionals, to conquer the present and future challenges to the socio-economic fabric of our society, by institutionalizing search, development, research and giving right knowledge through structured learning systems. We, Meruling Shikshan Sanstha’s College of Pharmacy Medha, situated at Medha Satara, Maharashtra, believe to evolve, develop and deliver dynamic learning systems to equip professionals with conscience and commitment to excellence and courage to face business challenges.


    The Indian Army promises both professional and personal growth at every stage of the career. Opportunities to excel through various courses are abundant including opportunities to enhance your educational qualification by availing two years paid study leave. The inherent adventure and extra-curricular activities in the Army ensure an all round development essential in today's world. Art of War-Engineering-Medicine-Administration-Human Resource Development and Management; the army teaches you all.

  • Recruitment for Pharmacists (22 posts) in Zilla Parishad

  • Multiple Vacancies in HLL Lifecare Limited | Walk in

    HLL Lifecare Limited, a Government of India Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare is a global provider of high quality healthcare products & services.

    Healthcare Services Division of HLL Lifecare Limited has setup HINDLABS in Maharashtra State for which the company is looking for dynamic and performance driven professionals for the following position on Fixed Tenure Contract basis.

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