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Applications are invited for the Post of Project Associate @ IIT, Kanpur

Clinical research courses

The Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur was established in the year 1960. The Parliament of India passed the ‘Institutes of Technology Act 1961’ declaring all the IITs as “Institutions of National Importance”. The Parliamentary Act has given absolute autonomy to the IITs. When the foundation stone of the IIT system was laid, it was perceived that taking help from the industrially advanced western countries might be lot more effective in achieving the status of a world class technical institute. Hence, IIT Kanpur had a massive collaboration with USA through a specially created programme- KIAP (Kanpur Indo American Programme). It is said to be the largest ever academic assistance programme supported by U.S.A. Such close interaction brought fresh air, new ideas and novel thoughts into the academic programmes and academic administration. IIT Kanpur substituted the traditional annual system with semester system and also introduced the letter grade system instead of marks for evaluating the students for the first time in the country. IIT Kanpur may also take pride in introducing the concepts of term papers, unannounced
quizzes etc.

Applications are invited for one post of Project Associate for a sponsored project of the DBT entitled “Structural & Biochemical studies to understand the role of a unique GTpase EngA in ribosome biogenesis” at BSBE Department, IIT Kanpur.

Post: Project Associate

Minimum Qualification:
M.Tech/M.Pharm/M.Phil or equivalent Masters degree in Life science or related areas.

Desirable: Sound knowledge and experience in protein crystallization and Crystallography.

Salary Range: Rs. 10000-1000-20000

The post is purely temporary for three months and can be extended for one year on the basis of performance.

Interested candidates may apply on a plain paper or by e-mail giving full details of qualifications, experience with copies of relevant certificates by 2nd June-2011.

Applications may be sent to the following address:

Dr.Balaji Prakash
Structural Biology Lab
Department of Biological Sciences & BioEngineering,
IIT Kanpur 208016

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