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Technolgy Transfer in Pharmaceuticals

GPAT courses

Technolgy Transfer in Pharmaceuticals

Technology transfer is transferring of details of concerning formulation and analytical strategies from one area to another area that’s from R&D to Production department and succeeding drug product from the laboratory scale to the production scale. In Pharmaceutical Industry, Technology Transfer refers to a method of victorious steps forward from drug discovery to product development, clinical trials and at last to full-scale commercialization. Researcher of technology creates his technology existing to a commercial collaborator which will make use of the technology.

Pharmacy is field of innovation and research. We all are aware about that there are separated research labs are available with many big pharmaceutical industries and they have in-house tech transfer team where pharmacy professionals are employed. Also, bit as today’s competitive scenarios many pharmaceutical institutes are also indulged in research activities and they also require technology transfer for commercialization of their product.

In brief, if we want to say technology transfer in not only deals with IP protection but it also deals with efficiency of process, maintains quality of product and provides cost effective production.