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Jobs for M.Pharm, MSc under different Projects at CDRI

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Jobs for M.Pharm, MSc under different Projects at CDRI

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CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, a premier Institute under Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), is involved in multidisciplinary R&D programs of both basic and applied nature. CSIR-CDRI is a pioneer biomedical research organization in India and has the infrastructure and expertise to develop a drug from concept to commercialization. In the year 2012, CSIR-CDRI shifted to its state of the art new campus, which has been set up with a vision to serve as a Nodal Center of CSIR in new drug discovery and development

Posts: Project Associate-I, JRFs -30 posts

Essential qualifications : M.Pharm / MS (Pharma)
Desirable qualifications/ Job Requirement : Experience in the area of formulation development & Pharmaceutical Analysis
Stipend : Rs. 25,000+18% HRA p.m.
Upper Age limit : 35 Yrs.

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