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CPhI China to be held in Shanghai from June 2 to 4

Clinical research courses

Shanghai will be playing host to UBM International Media events CPhI, P-MEC, ICSE and BioPh From June 2 to 4. While CPhI will be focusing on intermediates and APIs markets, ICSE is for contract services and P-MEC exhibitors offer a complete range of pharma machinery and equipment. BioPh is aimed at those who provide bio-solutions for pharma.

Last year’s events attracted more than 23,000 attendees from 102 countries and more than 1,600 exhibitors, 127 of which were international companies.

Experiencing strong year on year growth in terms of exhibitors and visitor numbers, the group of events has become a ‘must attend’ for western visitors looking to access the many outsourcing and production efficiency partnering opportunities available in China.

Visitors to the shows will be able to make significant cost savings by sourcing an unrivalled range of products, services and technologies at competitive prices as well as saving on time and expense by meeting existing and new suppliers in one place.

Visitors will also able to gain valuable insights into the Chinese pharma market via a multitude of conferences, workshops, interactive seminars and showcases designed to help build the best strategies for business development and reduced manufacturing costs.

Projected to be the third largest pharma market globally by 2011 and second by 2020, the pharmaceutical sector in China continues to enjoy double-digit growth. The most populous country in the world, China is simultaneously a large producer and consumer of medicines, making it an attractive market in terms of both sourcing and sales.

Changes to local GMP standards, which are being revised in 2010 to be more in line with international ones are also making China increasingly appealing for sourcing products having improved standards with the traditional cost benefits.

Along with this is the fact that during the last 50 years life expectancy has almost doubled, with the burgeoning middle-class aging, rapidly urbanising and adopting western lifestyles, China represents a massive market for the global pharma community.