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Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship by SERB

Clinical research courses

Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship by SERB

One of the most notable developments in the S&T sector in the XI Plan has been the setting up of the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) through an Act of Parliament, viz. the Science and Engineering Research Board Act, 2008. Promoting basic research in Science and Engineering and to provide financial assistance to persons engaged in such research, academic institutions, research and development laboratories, industrial concerns and other agencies for such research and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto are the primary and distinctive mandate of the Board.

Post : Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship

Objective :
Application for support to undertake research training during the doctoral research in Overseas Universities on a competitive mode is sought from eligible researchers.
• To build national capacity in frontier areas of Science and Engineering, which are of interest to India by providing research training to PhD students admitted in the Indian institutions in overseas universities / institutions of repute.
• To provide opportunity to performing Indian research students to gain exposure and access to top class research facilities in academia and labs in specific Overseas Universities.
• To create opportunities to build long-term R&D linkages and collaborations with accomplished scientists and technologists from around the world.
• To tap the expertise gained by these young scientists to strengthen/initiate national programmes in their domain knowledge.

Eligibility :
• The scheme is open to Indian nationals only.
• The applicant should have registered for full-time Ph.D. Degree in any of the recognized Institutions / Universities in India in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (including Medicine, Pharma, Agriculture and related S&T areas) disciplines.
• Part-time and sponsored students are not considered under the Program. Also students who have submitted their thesis for award of the Degree of Ph.D. are not eligible to apply.

Fellowship and Other Component :-
The selected fellows will be paid a monthly fellowship amount equivalent to USD 2000, one-time Contingency / Preparatory allowances of Rs. 60,000/- to cover visa fee, airport transfer charges, medical insurance etc. The selected fellows will also be provided shortest route economy class air fare from their place of work in India to the place of the host institute and back. Students should make their own arrangement for accommodation etc.
One visit, each by the Indian supervisor to the Overseas Institution where the student is working and overseas faculty to the host Indian Institution of the student is also admissible under the Scheme. The following provisions are made for them to undertake research visits:
Travel : Both the Indian supervisor and overseas scientist will be provided shortest route round-trip economy class air fare not exceeding Rs. 1.5 lakh per round trip from their place of work to the city of host institute and back. Any additional cost would have to be borne by the visitors

Per-diem (Subsistence Allowance) :
Indian supervisors to Overseas Country : US 75 dollar per day up-to 30 days
Overseas host to India
Up-to 14 days : Rs. 3000/- per day
>14 and up-to 30 days : Rs. 2000/- per day

Indian supervisors to Overseas Country
Up-to 14 days :  150 US Dollar per day
>14 and up-to 30 days : 100 US Dollar per day
Overseas host to India
Up-to 14 days : Rs. 4500/- per day
>14 and up-to 30 days : Rs. 3000/- per day
Contingencies and related travel cost: Allowance of 250 US Dollar per visit is provided to both Indian Supervisor and Overseas host to cover the expenditure incurred towards visa fees, travel / medical insurance, airport transfers and other contingencies

• The application for consideration under the Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship Program (OVDF) can be submitted only when the call for application is made.
• The duration of the research training is up-to a period of twelve months. In exceptional circumstances, the fellowship may be extended for six more months' subject to performance evaluation.
• For scientists/researchers in regular employment, rules governing payment of salary, leave, medical, gratuity, GPF and pension etc. of the organization/ institution/ university to which the faculty belongs would continue to be applicable. No liability on any of these accounts will be borne by SERB.
• The selected fellows while taking up the SERB overseas fellowship should not draw their regular research fellowship in India.
• The concerned University/SERB will provide the letter of support for the selected fellows.
• The exchange visit of the supervisors should be during the tenure of the Ph.D. work of the applicant. Both the supervisors should ensure a residency period of at least two weeks and not exceeding 30 days in their respective foreign institutes.
• The Indian Institution should ensure the availability of necessary facilities including scientific equipment, infrastructure, research personnel, etc. for facilitating the visit of overseas scientist for undertaking the collaborative research. The institution should also extend all necessary administrative support to the proposed work.
• Purdue faculty may support only one OVDF application per call.
• The OVDF applicant should contact the above Universities for undertaking this fellowship.

Programme Coordinator, Overseas VDF,
Science and Engineering Research Board
3rd & 4th Floor, Block II,
Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi-110016
Email :

Last Date : till 02nd January 2024

Application Form

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