Indian Pharmacists Association (IPA) strictly opposes use of the post name Dispensing Attendant instead of Pharmacist for recent recruitment advertisement by AIIMS Rishikesh. As per IPA, the advertisement No. 2019/153 by AIIMS Rishikesh is violating Pharmacy Act and Drugs and Cosmetic rules.
Pharmacy profession in India is regulated by Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), a statutory body constituted by the provisions of Pharmacy Act, passed by parliament. PCI has not approved any nomenclature other than a pharmacist for a person who possess qualification of Diploma in Pharmacy, which is a minimum qualification for registration as a pharmacist and only a Pharmacist can dispense medicine to a patient.
Bhupendra Kumar, General secretary of IPA wrote an open letter to AIIMS, rishikesh director regarding this violation. In his letter, he reported that, "AIIMS Rishikesh is under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Govt, of India. There is no such post in MoHFW, Govt, of India and there is a need to appoint a pharmacist in place of dispensing attendant, as per MoHFW Recruitment Rules. Functioning of all AIIMS in different states is based on AIIMS Delhi and so is the recruitment of all staffs. There is no post of Dispensing Attendant in AIIMS Delhi."
A registered pharmacist can only be appointed minimum on the post of a pharmacist as is done by all Central and State Govt. Any deviation from nomenclature of pharmacist is violation of Pharmacy Act, Drugs and Cosmetic act and Right to equality.
IPA asks AIIMS to withdraw the advertisement for the post of Dispensing Attendant and issue a fresh advertisement for the post of Pharmacists as per Recruitment Rules in MoHFW and AIIMS Delhi in the large public interest.