Elite Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced it has entered into a Development and License Agreement (“Agreement”) with SunGen Pharma, LLC (“SunGen”) to collaborate to develop and commercialize four generic pharmaceutical products
Under the terms of the agreement, Elite and SunGen will share in the responsibilities and costs in the development of the products. Upon approval, the products will be owned jointly by Elite and SunGen. SunGen shall have the exclusive right to market and sell two of the products using SunGen’s label and Elite shall have the exclusive right to market and sell two of the products using Elite’s label. Elite will manufacture and package all four products on a cost plus basis.
Two of the products are classified as CNS stimulants and two of the products are classified as beta blockers. For the twelve months ending June 30, 2016, the four products and their generic equivalents had total U.S. sales of more than $3 billion according to IMS Health Data.
“We are excited to collaborate with SunGen on the development of these four important generic products,” said Nasrat Hakim, Chairman and CEO of Elite.
“We are thrilled to have this long term strategic partnership with Elite and collaborate in a broad range of product portfolio in development, manufacturing and marketing,” said Dr. Jim Huang, CEO of SunGen.