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Claris Lifesciences receive ANDA nod for Tobramycin Injection

Clinical research courses

Claris Lifesciences Ltd has announced that it has received the abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) approval for Tobramycin injection USP, 80mg/2mL and 1200 mg/30mL multiple dose vials, in the United States of America.

The estimated market size in the US is USD 6 million and the product is currently in shortage list of US Food & Drug Administration.

With this, Claris now has a total of 14 approvals and 24 under approval ANDAs.

Tobramycin injection is an anti-infective used to treat certain serious infections that are caused by bacteria such as meningitis and other infections of the blood, abdomen, lungs, skin, bones, joints and urinary tract.

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