Mauna Kea Technologies, inventor of Cellvizio, the multidisciplinary confocal laser endomicroscopy platform, has received regulatory approval from COFEPRIS (Comisión Federal Para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios), the Mexican health authority, for the commercialization of Cellvizio.. Mauna Kea Technologies is now able to implement its marketing strategy with its partner, Endomédica, a company specialized in the fields of interventional endoscopy, gastroenterology, urology and surgery since 1986.
Mexico is the second largest medical device market in Latin America after Brazil. It is expected to grow by more than 13 % per year and is dominated by imports that have grown 6.9 % per year between 2008 and 2013 to reach 3.6 billion dollars.
Cellvizio is an endomicroscopy system which generates optical biopsies, providing physicians with microscopic images of tissue instantaneously and in a minimally-invasive manner. This simple pattern recognition facilitates better decision-making andimproved patient management.
Mauna Kea Technologies is a global medical device company focused on leading innovation in endomicroscopy and optical biopsy.
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