Dabur India Ltd, in an effort to ensure maximum use of its leading mosquito repellant Odomos, has unveiled the Dengue-Fighters initiative aimed at preventing school-going children across the country. The company along with Apollo Hospitals Group began its campaign in Bengaluru, which will then cover schools across Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.
Under the initiative, Dengue-Fighters, it is approaching schools to create an awareness about the disease among children and highlight the importance of Odomos application as a 100 per cent protection against mosquito bites. Over 1,100 schools across these states will be covered to reach out to over 700,000 students across India, in addition to around 40,000 teachers. Schools will also be encouraged to implement measures to prevent mosquito breeding and spread of mosquito borne diseases. An audio visual is developed to spread the message among kids and educate them about how mosquitoes breed and the effective measures to be taken to prevent this.
It will also prepare a Dengue Report Card of each city.
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