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Global homoeopathy foundation developed new homoeopathic drug for TB

Clinical research courses

The reappearance of tuberculosis and the rush of multidrug-resistant clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis have reaffirmed tuberculosis as a key public health concern. Researchers from Global Homoeopathy Foundation (GHF) in collaboration with along with the Mumbai-based Haffkine Institute have developed a new homoeopathic drug for TB patients.

Also homeopathic medicines do not have side effects. The research paper will be presented  by him at the two-day World Homoeopathy Summit to be organized by the Global Homoeopathy Foundation in Mumbai on 11th of April this year. Homoeopaths and conventional doctors from across 25 countries are expecting to participate in the event.

According Dr Rajesh Shah, secretary of GHF, the new medicine is sourced from current strains of tuberculosis.  Medicines prepared from deadly germs can help treat many diseases and the method has been followed for years in developing vaccines. The germ-based drug is made applicable to TB and it is safe for human consumption. This is first time development in India.

The method of development of  this new homoeopathy drug is unique. The new method developed by our team is modern and scientific and current strains of tuberculosis is used to develop this medicine. The researchers are of the opinion that this drug will add value to the treatment of tuberculosis including multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) patients.

From last years, many organisms including the bacteria and virus responsible for diphtheria, smallpox, measles, etc are in use to develop Homoeopathic medicines. Such homoeopathic medicines are called Nosodes. The medicines prepared from such organisms are safe to use. The new nosode prepared from the current strains of tuberculosis organisms is useful for improving the immune system of the patients. The immune system does a remarkable job of defending you against disease-causing microorganisms.This method of treatment  can be used along with the allopathic medicines to get better results.

In early 2014, GHF is an NGO based in India, conceptualized and formed by a body of select, like-minded, apolitical, national & International personalities from Homeopathy. The main objective of GHF is to create a platform for homoeopathy professionals in delivering proficient services and empower the growth of homoeopathy science in the world. This is a unique opportunity in the field of homeopathy.

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