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Glenmark’s Bi-Specific antibody to enter Phase I trials





Clinical research courses

  • GBR 1302, a HER2xCD3 bi-specific antibody has successfully completed the  preclinical  evaluation phase
  • Preclinically, GBR 1302 has demonstrated superiority over current antibody therapies against most HER2 positive cancers, including breast cancer
  • The phase 1 trial application for this antibody has been submitted  to  German regulatory  authorities.
  • GBR  1302  has the potential  to  be  used  in  the  treatment a  broad  array  of  cancers  in cluding breast cancer
  • If  confirmed  in  clinical  trials,  GBR  1302  could  constitute an innovative treatment for HER2 positive cancers, potentially  superior  to the currently available  monoclonal  antibody treatments

Glenmark  Pharmaceuticals  S.A.  (GPSA), a wholly owned subsidiary of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals  Limited  India (GPL), announces the completion of Phase 1 supporting studies and the submission of a clinical trial application to the Paul-Ehrlich Institute in Germany with a novel clinical development candidate,  GBR 1302. GBR  1302 is a HER2xCD3 bi-specific antibody based on Glenmark’s proprietary BEAT™ platform. GBR 1302 is the first clinical development candidate based on the BEAT™ technology. Glenmark expects to obtain approval for the initiation of clinical studies with GBR1302  during this financial year.

GBR  1302 material  for  Phase 1 clinical  trials was  manufactured  in Glenmark  GMP  production  unit in Switzerland. HER2, also known as HER2/neu, or receptor tyrosine - protein kinase erbB - 2 , is  the target of  the multibillion dollar antibody cancer drugs trastuzumab, pertuzumab and trastuzumab emtansine and is implicated in breast cancer, ovarian, gastric, and certain uterine cancers.

Commenting on this milestone, Dr. Michael Buschle, Chief Scientific Officer & President - Biologics, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals said  “We have high expectations for GBR 1302. During the preclinical characterization of the bi - specific antibody we have discovered that GBR 1302  does not only kill trastuzumab resistant cancer cells, but also very efficiently kills cancer cells with a weak expression of HER2 against which all current HER2 targeting antibodies are not effective”

GBR 1302’s mode of action is different from current HER2 targeting antibodies. It redirects cytotoxic T cells through its CD3 binding arm onto HER2 expressing cancer cells and induces the killing of the cancer cells. Preclinically, the killing of cancer cells by GBR 1302 is more rapid, more complete and not expected to be subject to the same resistance escape mechanisms as therapies directed against HER2 .

2 Preclinically, GBR 1302 has demonstrated superiority over current antibody therapies for breast cancer in two important areas:

  • GBR  1302 is able to kill cancer cells which are resistant to killing by Herceptin (trastuzumab).
  • GBR 1302 is able to kill cancer cells with an intermediate expression level of HER2 against which Herceptin (trastuzumab) is not clinically effective .

The same principles for targeting of HER2 positive, HER2 positive/ Herceptin (trastuzumab) resistant metastatic breast cancers and breast cancers with intermediate expression of HER2 also apply to other HER2 overexpressing cancers including; ovarian, certain uterine cancers,  pancreatic cancers and bladder cancer.

Herceptin (trastuzumab) is indicated for the treatment of HER2 - overexpressing metastatic gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinomas.

If these preclinical properties translate into the clinic, GBR 1302 would constitute an innovative treatment for HER2  positive cancers that is potentially superior to the current establishedmonoclonal antibody treatments, Herceptin(trastuzumab), Perjeta(pertuzumab) and Kadcyla (trastuzumab emtansine)

BEAT ™ ( Bi-specific  Engagement  by  Antibodies based on  the  T cell receptor) is Glenmark’s technology for production of bi-specific antibodies. Engaging two targets with one bi-specific antibody is a novel concept to design new therapeutics. For the past 20 years, bi-specific antibodies have been a challenge to the industry since most bi-specific formats developed thus far have stability and/or manufacturing issues. With the invention of the BEAT™ technology Glenmark’s scientists have now overcome these hurdles and GBR 1302 is the first drug candidate based on this breakthrough antibody engineering technology.

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