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Do you know How you keep your balance while jogging?





Clinical research courses

Sensory Hair Cells in Your Inner Ear Helps You Keep Your Balance While Jogging. The reason for the difference lies in the vestibular organ (VO) located in the inner ear, which controls balance and posture, researchers have reported. The VO senses ongoing self-motion and ensures that, while running, the jogger unconsciously compensates for the accompanying changes in the orientation of the head. The results were reported in the online journal Nature Communications.

The hair cells, which detect the resulting changes in fluid flow in the semicircular canals in the inner ear, enable us to keep our balance without any conscious effort.

The team from University of Bordeaux in France and Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) of Munich in Germany revealed that cells in the spinal cord which generate the rhythmic patterns of neural and muscle activity required for locomotion also adaptively alter the sensitivity of the hair cells in the VO.

The capacity to adapt and respond appropriately to both slight and substantial displacements of the head in turn implies that the sensory hair cells in the inner ear can react to widely varying stimulus intensities. The whole adaptation process is controlled by neurons in the spinal cord, which transmit signals to the VO via nerve cells just before the muscles carry out the next locomotory behavior.

The team now intends to study whether all the hair cells in the inner ear also respond to efferent information emanating from the spinal cord.

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