The Andhra Pradesh government has launched a new software application ‘e-Aushadini’ to manage stocks of various drugs in government hospitals. The main aim of 'e-Aushadini' is to ascertain the needs of various district drug warehouses such that all the required materials/drugs are constantly available to be supplied to the user district drug warehouses without delay.
This includes classification/categorization of items, codification of items, quality check of these items, etc and finally issuing drugs to the patients, who is the final consumer in the chain. The web based e-Aushadini application deals with the management of stocks of various drugs, sutures and surgical items required by different district drug warehouses in the state.
It include day to day activities related to number of drug stocks available, the number of medicines or tablets distributed to the patients, number of people treated at outpatient wards, and the number of medical equipments or appliances available at the government hospitals.
At present the government has plans to integrate more than 1000 primary health centres (PHCs), 9 district hospitals, 30 areas hospitals, and 11 medical college attached hospitals in the state using this software. This new system will also help enable monitoring the budget and drug consumption pattern.
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