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54th National Pharmacy Week Celebration 2015 at GIP

Clinical research courses

National Pharmacy Week is being celebrated every year in the last week of November to create awareness among the general public about the role of pharmacist in public health. The Geetanjali Institute of Pharmacy (GIP), Geetanjali University, Manwa Khera, Udaipur actively observed the National Pharmacy Week during 30th November, to 05th December, 2015 at the Geetanjali University campus. The theme of 54th National Pharmacy Week is ‘Responsible Use of Antibiotics Saves Lives’.

Geetanjali Institute of Pharmacy (GIP), Geetanjali University, Manwa Khera, Udaipur, organized various events like literary competition (Pharma Quiz, Essay writing, Poster making, Debate, Card making, Collage making, Poetry writing & recitation, Just a minute, Anchoring competition); cultural (Song/Dance competition, Drama & Fashion show); sports activities  (Indoor: Carom, Chess and Table tennis; Outdoor: Cricket, Foot ball, Volley ball, Shot-put, Discus throw, Javelin throw, Athletics (100 m, 200 m, 400 m) and other including general awareness rally and also scientific session (guest lectures) to celebrate the 54th National Pharmacy Week (NPW). The program was inaugurated on 30th November, 2015 by lighting the traditional lamp by the Mr. Bhupendra Mandlia, Registrar, Geetanjali University, Udaipur followed by Saraswati vandana. Prof. (Dr.) Ashok Dashora, Dean of GIP, while expressing to the chief guest for gracing the occasion and express the importance of the theme.

A motivational seminar on December 01st, 2015 on “Lead a life of excellence” was delivered by Mr. Dheeraj Arora, Manager, Exide Life Insurance, Udaipur who enlightened the gathering about Commitment, Use the power of positive influence, Cultivate optimism, Appreciation and Replace daily errors with daily disciplines.

On the occasion of valedictory function i.e. 05th December, 2015 was held at Lt. Smt. Narmada Devi Agarwal Auditorium, where dignitaries from academia, government and industry graced the occasion. The event was inaugurated with the lighting the lamp by Dr. R. K. Nahar (Vice chancellor, Geetanjali University), chief guests Mr.  Suresh Samar (Assistant drug controller), Mr. Ketan Bhatt (Vice president, Secure Meters, Udaipur), Mr. Rajeev Pandya (GM-HR of Geetanjali), Prof. (Dr.) Ashok Dashora (Dean-Pharmacy College), Dr. C. P. Jain (Head, Department of Pharmacy Sciences, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur), Dr. R. S. Bhadauria (Principal of Shrinath Institute of Pharmacy,Nathdwara), Dr. Naresh Khatri (Principal- Shri U. S. B. College of Pharmacy, Abu Road) and Mr. Alok Bhargava (Executive officer- Rajasthan Pharmacy Council).

Dean, Prof. (Dr.) Ashok Dashora gave the welcome address. Dr. R. K. Nahar informed that Indian Pharmaceutical Association organizes National Pharmacy Week every year in which various competitions are held in pharmacy colleges. He imparted knowledge about the importance of clinical pharmacist in the society.

Mr. Ketan Bhatt motivated the students to lead a successful life and highlighted the benefits of sports in lives which even textbooks cannot teach. Mr. Rajeev Pandya, GM (HR), Geetanjali University high lightened the need and importance of pharmacist in the development of a healthy nation. Various prizes were then distributed to the winners of different activities conducted during the week and academic performance during the year. The event concluded with fashion show and announcement of Mr. and Ms. GIP title. Finally program coordinator Dr. Kalpesh Gaur gave the sincere thanks and advised to the student for their dedication and hard work in order to improve the quality of the teaching-learning process.

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