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Health Ministry constitute new therapeutic committees for evaluation of clinical trials

Clinical research courses

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), Government of India has approved 25 panels of experts of various therapeutic areas. These panels will ensure the approval of right clinical trials at right time.

For evaluation of various categories of applications of clinical trials, new drugs and new medical devices, Subject Expert Committees (SECs), each comprising 8 medical experts (01 Pharmacologist and 07 medical specialists) will be constituted drawing the names of the expert members from the respective panels approved by the Ministry.

These 25 panels includes disciplines like: Analgesic, Anesthetics, Vaccine, Hepatology, Dentistry, Neurology, Psychiatric, Pediatric, Gynaecology, Pulmonary, Oncology, Hematology, Cardiology, Urology, Nephrology, Antiviral, Antimicrobial, Rheumatology, Orthopaedic, Gastroenterology etc.

In case any expert fails to attend the SEC meeting, the other expert of the same panel will be invited to attend the meeting. On need basis, DCGI may add experts from Govt. Medical Colleges/Hospitals or person of eminence in the panels. To ensure timely disposal of the applications, DCGI may add/delete experts from the panels. However, a standard procedure will be formulated for induction of experts in the panels.

This is just appreciating step taken by MOHFW which will solve number of problems like pending clinical trials approvals, right decisions on need and approvals of clinical trial by experts etc.

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