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Application Invited at Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University for the Post of Professor, Associate Professor & Assistant Professor - 12 Vacancies

Clinical research courses

The Nagpur University was established on 4th August, 1923 with six affiliated colleges and 927 students. During 1947, the number of students increased to about 9000 accompanied by the improvement and diversification of curricula and expansion in the range of subjects. The expansion of library and sports facilities occurred during these years for the intellectual and physical well being of the students. It was in 1958 that some new Departments in Arts and Social Science faculties were opened; the major expansion, however, came in 1963 when several science and other teaching Departments were started. The Departments were shifted to spacious buildings in the main campus in 1972-73. In later years, several career oriented courses have been started viz., Business Management, Fine Arts, Mass Communication, Library Science, Physical Education, etc.

Applications are invited in the prescribed form for filling following teaching posts in the various Teaching Departments and Conducted Colleges of the Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Post: Professor (Pay Band Rs. 37,400 – 67,000 Grade Pay Rs. 10,000) - 3 Vacancies

Pharmaceutical Science

Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Pharmacology / Bio-pharmaceutics

Pharmaceutics - Open, Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Open, & Pharmacology / Bio-pharmaceutics - ST*

Eligibility Qualifications for the post(s) of Professor(s) in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
1. A basic degree in pharmacy (B. Pharm.)
2. Registration as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948, as amended from time to time, including any succeeding enactments.
3. A Ph.D. Degree with First Class at Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in the appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy, and experience of ten years in teaching, research, industry and / or profession at the level of Lecturer or equivalent grade;


In the event the candidate is from industry and the profession, the following shall constitute as essential:
1. First Class Master’s Degree in the appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy ; and
2. Significant professional work which can be recognized as equivalent to a Ph.D. Degree in appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy and industrial / professional experience of five years at a senior level comparable to Assistant Professor / Reader,
Provided that the recognition for significant professional shall be valid only if the same is recommended unanimously by a 3-Member Committee of Experts appointed by the Vice-Chancellor of the University.


1. Teaching, industrial research and / or professional experience in a reputed organization;
2. Published work, such as research papers, patents filed / obtained, books, and / or technical reports;
3. Experience of guiding the project work, dissertation of post graduate or research students or supervising R & D projects in industry;
4. Demonstrated leadership in planning and organizing academic, research, industrial and / or professional activities; and
5. Capacity to undertake / lead sponsored R & D, consultancy and related activities.


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For avoidance of doubt, it is hereby clarified that:
1. If Class or Division is not declared at the Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree levels, an aggregate of >= 60% or equivalent Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is to be considered as equivalent to First Class.
2. In respect of CGPA awarded to the candidates on a 10-Point Scale, the Table of equivalence shall be provided by the university concerned followed for determining the Class obtained by them as per (1) cited above.

Post: Associate Professor (Pay Band Rs. 37,400 – 67,000 Grade Pay Rs. 9,000) - 3 Vacancies

Pharmaceutical Science

Pharmaceutics, Bio-pharmaceutics & Pharmacognosy

Pharmaceutics - Open, Bio-pharmaceutics - Open & Pharmacognosy - ST*

Eligibility Qualifications for the post(s) of Associate Professor(s) in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
1. A basic degree in pharmacy (B. Pharm.).
2. Registration as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948, as amended from time to time, including any succeeding enactments.
3. A Ph.D. Degree with First Class at Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in the appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy, and experience of eight years in teaching, research, industry and / or profession at the level of Lecturer or equivalent grade; excluding period spent on obtaining the research degree.


In the event the candidate is from industry and the profession, the following shall constitute as essential :
1. First Class Master’s Degree in the appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy;
2. Significant professional work which can be recognized as equivalent to a Ph.D. Degree in appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy and industrial / professional experience of eight years in a position equivalent to the level of Lecturer,
Provided that the recognition for significant professional shall be valid only if the same is recommended unanimously by a 3-Member Committee of Experts appointed by the Vice-Chancellor of the University.

1. Teaching, research industrial and / or professional experience in a reputed organization;
2. Published work, such as research papers, patents filed / obtained, books and/ or technical reports ; and
3. Experience of guiding the project work, dissertation of post graduate or research students or supervising R & D projects in industry.

Post: Assistant Professor (Pay Band Rs. 15,600 – 39,100 Grade Pay Rs. 6,000) - 6 Vacancies

Pharmaceutical Science

Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Pharmaceutics

Pharmaceutical Biology - Open, Pharmacognosy - Open, Pharmacology - Open, Pharmaceutics Chemistry - SC#, Pharmaceutical Chemistry - ST* & Pharmaceutics - OBC

Eligibility Qualifications for the post(s) of Assistant Professor(s) in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
1. A basic degree in pharmacy (B. Pharm.).
2. Registration as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948, as amended from time to time, including any succeeding enactments.
3. First Class Master’s Degree in appropriate branch of specialization in pharmacy.

1. Teaching, research industrial and / or professional experience in a reputed organization; and
2. Papers presented at Conferences and / or in refereed journals.

(#) - Means that the post is advertised for the Third time under special recruitment drive.
(*) - Means that the post is advertised for the Sixth time under special recruitment drive.


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Notes & Instructions:
1. For the post of Professor, the incumbent should submit his/her biodata and five copies each of reprints of three major publication of which one could be a book or research report, other than the copies with application form and for the post of Associate Professor should submit his/her biodata and reprints of three copies each of his/her three major publications separately other than the copies with applications form.
2. Precis statement supplied alongwith Application Form should also be filled in by applicant and submitted alongwith the application.
3. Prescribed qualifications for the above mentioned posts would be as per the norms / Regulations of UGC formulated in consultations with AICTE / NCTE and as approved by the Government of Maharashtra.
4. A relaxation of 5 % may be provided i.e. from 55% to 50 % of the marks at the Master’s degree level for the candidates belonging to SC/ST category.
5. A relaxation of 5 % of marks will be provided i.e. from 55 % to 50 % of the marks to the Ph.D. degree holders, who have passed their Master’s degree prior to 19th September, 1991.
6. NET / SLET /SET shall also not be required for such Masters Programmes in disciplines for which NET / SLET /SET is not conducted.
7. The Ph.D. Degree shall be a mandatory qualification for the appointment of Professors and Associate Professor through direct recruitment.
8. The period of time taken by candidates to acquire M. Phil. and/ or Ph.D. Degree shall not be considered as teaching / research experience to be claimed for appointment to the teaching positions.
9. As per provision under section 76(6) of Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994, for the post of Professor, the Selection Committee may in preference to the candidates who have applied and appeared before it, recommend for appointment, with all the requisite details, the name of any other person who may not have applied or appeared before it, but who is duly qualified and has to his credit exceptionally high academic achievements or proficiency in the specialization or has extraordinary academic contribution, to be recorded in writing.

10. The minimum period of probation shall be one year extendable by a maximum period of one more year in case of unsatisfactory performance.
11. Reservation for women will be as per the norm prescribed by State Govt. of Maharashtra.
12. Candidates belonging to the reserved categories specified by the state Government of Maharashtra shall be considered.
13. An applicant is required to submit separate application for each post and reserved category.
14. Candidates from reserved category who are domiciled out side the Maharashtra will be treated as Open category candidates as per Maharashtra Govt. Circular No. CBS-1290/23116/ dated 24-8-1995.
15. As per the Govt. resolution dated 31st October, 2005 a new “Defined contribution pension scheme” has been made applicable to the Govt. servant, who are recruited on or after 1st November, 2005. The same will be applicable to employees of this Institute.
16. The candidate shall have to submit along with the application form, a declaration form ‘A’ as per the rules Prescribed by the Govt. of Maharashtra in respect of small family vide Notification No. SRV.2000/CR/(17/2000) XII, dated- 28-3-2005.
17. Candidates should attach attested copies of caste validity certificate and non-creamy layer certificate wherever is applicable.
18. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
19. The right is reserved with the University to fill or not to fill the posts or to modify / alter / cancel the advertisement.
20. Out of total posts of Professors, Associate Professor and Assistant Professors four posts are reserved for physically handicapped person subject to availability. Preference will be given to physically handicapped persons, other things being equal, as prescribed by UGC/AICTE as the case may be, and reservation for ex-servicemen will be observed as prescribed by the State Government.
21. Prescribed application forms with details of qualifications, experience and other conditions etc. can be down loaded from the University website: Completed form in eleven copies should be submitted in legal size alongwith certified copies of certificates/testimonial and registration fee of Rs. 500/- for open category or Rs. 300/- S.C., S.T. & V.J. (A)/N.T.(B/C/D) categories by way of demand draft drawn in favour of Registrar, Rashtrsant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur.
22. Application complete in all respects should reach the undersigned on or before Monday, 3rd October, 2011 up to 5.40 p.m.
23. Envelope containing the application forms should bear a caption in capital letters an “APPLICATION FORM FOR THE POST OF _____________________________in the
Subject ________________________________________________________________.
24. Candidates who have already applied in response to our Employment Notices No.Estt./070/60, dated 13th July, 2007 & No. Estt./08/U/K/506, dated 26th March, 2008 for the post of Professor /Associate Professor /Assistant Professor should also apply afresh. However such applicants are not required to pay the prescribed registration fee. Such applicants should attach the copy of acknowledgment alongwith the fresh application.
25. Proficiency in Marathi is desirable for all the posts.
26. Applicants shall not be entailed for any reimbursement in terms of TA/DA towards attending the interview.
27. The University shall not be held responsible for postponement or cancellation of Scheduled interview for any unforeseen / unavoidable reasons.
28. Applicants who are in the employment shall route their application through their employer. However, in case of an “anticipated delay” such applicants may submit the advance copies of their application. In the event of applications duly forwarded by the employer were not reaching the Registrar within the stipulated time, the applicant concerned shall be required to furnish a “No Objection Certificate” from his/her Employer, at the time of Interview, in the absence of which he/she shall not be entitled to appear for the interview.
29. Applications which are received late, incomplete in any respect and not in the prescribed form will be rejected, and no information in this regard will be sent to the candidates.
30. Applications received by E-mail and Fax shall not be entertained.
31. Qualifications and Age shall be considered as on last date of application.
32. Self attested passport size photograph should be affixed at the space provided in two application form only.

Last Date for Submission of Application Form: Monday, 3rd October, 2011


No. GA/11/Sk/127

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