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Pharmacist Require @ Ratnagiri District Council & Sangli District Council - 2 Post

Clinical research courses

They do not find any direct references of Sangli before 1801. Historical references since 1024 show areas called Mirinch i.e presently Miraj and Karhatak  i.e. Karad under the areas rules by Gonk  a Shilahar  king and sangli was included in these areas. The first clear and direct refernce to sangli can be found in the sankrit poem Shiv-Bharat. During the time of Shivaji Maharaj, his courageous Sarnoubat  Netaji Palkar captured Sangli, Miraj and Brahmnal from the Adilshah in 1659. In the times of Peshwas, Indroji Kadam and later Sardar Patwardhan became the 'Jahagirdar' of this region.

Post: Pharmacist

Qualification: HSC passed. Degree or Diploma in pharmacy is essential and registered as pharmacist as per drugs & cosmatics act, 1948.

Location: Ratnagiri

Pay Scale: 5200-20200; Grade Pay-2800

Date & Time of Examination: 16th Oct., 2011 at, 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Accepting application till: 12th Sept., to 26th Sept., 2011

Date of announcement of selected candidates: 3rd Oct., 2011

Time period of application distribution: 10th Oct., to 13th Oct., 2011

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In 1731 Ratnagiri came under the control of Satara kings; in 1818 it was surrendered to the british. A fort was built during the Bijapur dynasty and strengthened in 1670 by the Maratha king Shivaji, which is located on a headland near the harbour. It is one of the ports of the konkan coast. It has a palace where the last king of Burma, Thibaw and later Veer Savarkar were confined.
It is also believed that the Pandavas having performed their pilgrimage on the 13th year had settled in the adjourning territory of the Ratnagiri district and when the Pandavas and the Kauravas had the famous war at Kuruskshetra, the king of this region Veeravat Ray had accompanied them there.

Post: Pharmacist

Qualification: D.Pharm, B.Pharm

Location: Sangli

Accepting application till: 12th Sept., to 28th Sept., 2011, before 6:00 a.m.

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