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Opportunity to Work as National Consultant – for TB Laboratories in World Health Organization

Clinical research courses

WHO is the United Nations’ specialized agency for Health. It is an inter-governmental organization and works in collaboration with its member states usually through the Ministries of Health. WHO’s objective is the attainment by all people of the highest possible level of health. WHO's Secretariat is staffed by health professionals, other experts and support staff working at headquarters in Geneva, six regional offices and country offices.

Post: National Consultant – for TB Laboratories

ORGANIZATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health

Building on WHO’s mandate and its comparative advantage, the following six core functions have been defined for the Organization and Country activities of WHO India:
(1) Providing leadership on matters critical to health and engaging in partnerships where joint action is needed
(2) Shaping the research agenda and stimulating the generation, translation and dissemination of valuable knowledge
(3) Setting norms and standards, and promoting and monitoring their implementation
(4) Articulating ethical and evidence-based policy options
(5) Providing technical support, catalysing change, and building sustainable institutional capacity
(6) Monitoring the health situation and assessing health trends


Under the overall supervision of the DDG (TB), MoH&FW, GoI and technical guidance of Officers of the WHO Representative to India, the National Consultant for TB Laboratories (NC-TL) shall undertake the following tasks:
(1) Assist CTD in planning and scaling-up of quality assured mycobacterial culture and drug susceptibility testing (DST) including rapid diagnostics for MDR-TB;
(2) Assist CTD in developing and regularly updating a national laboratory strategy, including scale-up strategy, review and incorporation of new diagnostics, quality assurance, and laboratory human resource development;
(3) Assist CTD to establish and co-ordinate evaluation and demonstration studies of newer diagnostics, and in the translation of findings to national application;
(4) Facilitate the collaboration of CTD with agencies involved in the development and evaluation of newer diagnostics and in support for the scale-up of laboratory services;


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(5) In consultation with National Reference Labs, assist CTD in regularly reviewing and revising Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for TB laboratories, including SOPs for specific aspects of culture and DST and specifications for equipment;
(6) Facilitate improvements in diagnostic quality outside the accreditation of medical colleges and private laboratories for outsourcing of culture and DST services by RNTCP;
(7) Assist CTD in convening meetings of the National Laboratory Committee and follow-up on their recommendations;
(8) Support efforts to conduct rigorous drug resistance surveillance, including transition from surveys to routine DST where feasible;
(9) To support States effectively implement and regularly evaluate external quality assessment (EQA) protocol to all the designated sputum smear microscopy centres across the country;
(10) Provide a monthly report and an end-of-assignment report in the prescribed formats on activities, achievements, challenges and recommendations;
(11) Perform other duties as required in the interest of the programme.

The candidate should possess either:
(1) MD Microbiology, or
(2) Ph.D. in Microbiology, or
(3) MBBS with M.Sc. Microbiology.

(1) At least two years of experience with mycobacterial culture and DST, molecular diagnostics;
(2) At least two years experience with developing laboratory systems and networks, planning laboratory strategies;
(3) Experience with evaluation of new diagnostics, project management, managing public health laboratories, or interfacing with government disease control programmes, will be an advantage.

(1) Producing results;
(2) Communicating in a credible and effective way;
(3) Moving forward in a changing environment;
(4) Ensuring the effective use of resources.

Approximate initial taxable remuneration for the vacancy shall range from INR 94,500/- to 131,400/- pm, to be decided by WHO.

Deadline for Application: 12 October 2011

India Duty Station: New Delhi, India

Applicants are requested to submit a brief resume of their relevant experience and other qualifications together with completed a Personal History Form (downloadable from ) and give reasons for being suitable of the position. Applicants are advised to submit their applications to the Email Id: only, addressed to the Administrative Officer, Office of the WHO Representative to India, Room No.537, “A” Wing, Nirman Bhavan, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi 110011, on or before 12 October 2011. This vacancy is open to applicants of EITHER SEX. Applications from WOMEN are encouraged. We regret that due to the large volume of applications normally received, only candidates qualifying for interviews shall be corresponded with further.

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