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Junior Research Fellow Reuire @ University of Kalyani | Walk-in-Interview

Clinical research courses

The University of Kalyani was established in 1960 with a campus area of over 400 acres in Kalyani town. It is well connected by road and railway, with a railway station very close to the University. The University is situated in a locality surrounded by a rural setting within a rural backdrop and it caters mostly to the students of rural and backward areas. Yet, its distance from Kolkata is only 50 km. This locational advantage of the University makes it particularly suitable for the 'Cafeteria Approach' to higher education. The University ensures on the one hand, the development of excellence, and on the other, contribution of higher education through dispersion of knowledge to rural areas in an open and flexible system. The University is also considering the possibility of upgrading some of its affiliated colleges with academic autonomy and postgraduate teaching. The University has completed four decades of commendable service to the development of higher education keeping in view the importance of the outlying rural economy and the needs and aspirations of the youth in the region. The University is presently offering twenty three post graduate programmes under four faculties, namely, Science, Arts & Commerce, Education, Engineering Technology & Management.

A walk-in-interview will be held on 26.09.2011 at 11.30 am at the chamber of the Head. Department of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, University of Kalyani for appointing one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in DBT (Govt, of India) funded project entitled "Identification and characterization of proteins..........internal ribosome entry site" under supervision of Dr. Utpal Basu. Dept. of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology .University of Kalyani

Qualifications: NET/ GATE qualified and M.Sc. in any stream of Life Science/Chemistry with at least 55% marks

Fellowship: Rs 16.000/- p.m.+ HRA as per rules. Tenure: Three Years.

Interested Candidates are requested to appear in person directly in the interview with application along with bio-data, attested copies of certificates, mark sheets and testimonials. The candidates should also bring the originals of the testimonials for verification.

No TA/DA will be paid for the interview.

Walk-in Date: 26-09-2011 at 11.30 am

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