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Opportunity to Work as DRUG INSPECTOR - 8 Vacancies | Govt of India



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Applications in the prescribed form (both Short & Long) are invited from the prospective candidates for recruitment to 08 (eight) posts of Drugs Inspector (Examination Code-10 & Post Code-132) in Class-II (Group-B) of State Service under the Health & Family Welfare Department in the scale of pay of Rs..9,300-34,800/- carrying the grade pay of Rs.4,600/- with usual Dearness Allowance and other allowances as may be sanctioned by the Government of Orissa from time to time. The posts are permanent.

Post: Drug Inspector

Category                   No. of Posts
(i) Unreserved             02 (1-w)
(ii) Scheduled Tribe      01
(iii) Scheduled Caste   01
(iv) S.E.B.C.                 04 (2-w)
                                 Total - 08 (3-w)

(a) In the event of non-availability of eligible and suitable Women candidate(s), the vacancies or the remaining vacancies will be filled up by suitable Male candidates of the same category.
(b) Exchange of reservation between S.T. & S.C. will not be considered.
(c) The number of vacancies to be filled up on the basis of this recruitment is subject to change by Government without notice depending upon the exigencies of public services at the discretion of the Government.

A candidate must have hold a degree in Pharmacy of Pharmaceutical Sciences or Medicine with specialisation in Clinical Pharmacology or Microbiology from a University established in India by law. No person who has any financial interest in the import/manufacture of sale of drugs and cosmetics shall be appointed as an Inspector, under the Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, 1945.

AGE : A candidate must be under 32 years and above 21 years of age on the 1st August 2011 i.e he/she must not have been born earlier than 2nd August,1979 and not later than 1st August,1990.

The upper age-limit is relaxable by 5 (five) years for candidates belonging to the categories of Scheduled Castes(S.C.), Scheduled Tribes(S.T.), Socially & Educationally Backward Classes(S.E.B.C.), Women and eligible Ex- Servicemen.


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In the case of candidates already in Orissa Government Service, the upper age limit is relaxable to the extent of the period of their service rendered under the Government subject to a maximum period of 5 years. Such Government Servants having requisite qualification and experience may apply for the post alongwith the certificate showing the period of service under the Government of Orissa obtained from the appointing authority.

Provided that a person who comes under more than one category mentioned above, shall be eligible for only one benefit of upper age relaxation, which shall be considered most beneficial to him/her. SAVE AS PROVIDED ABOVE THE AGE LIMITS PRESCRIBED CAN IN NO CASE BE RELAXED.

Date of birth entered in the High School Certificate or equivalent Certificate issued by the concerned Board/Council will be accepted by the Commission.

(a) The selection of candidates for recruitment to the post shall be made on
the basis of written test/examination and Viva Voce Test.
(b) The written examination will consist of two papers. The examination in Pharmacy will be covered in Paper-I consisting of 200 marks. The examination in General Knowledge will cover in Paper-II consisting of 50 marks.
(c) The Commission shall conduct the Viva Voce Test for 25 marks.
(d) The Commission will short-list the candidates to be called for viva voce test to a reasonable number taking into consideration the marks secured in the written examination above the cut-off point to be fixed by the Commission. The plan of examination and board outlines of the syllabus for the said examination are enclosed (Appendix-I).

The written examination will be held at Cuttack. It may also be held at Bhubaneswar/ Balasore/Berhampur/Sambalpur depending on the number of candidates from the respective zone. The candidates are to mention their choice of Examination Zone at appropriate place in the prescribed application form (both Short & Long)

A candidate is required to pay a nonrefundable and non-adjustable fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred) only either in shape of deposit of the amount in the Government Treasury under the Head “0051-P.S.C.-105-State P.S.C. Examination Fees”, or in the form of Crossed Indian Postal Order payable to the Secretary, Orissa Public Service Commission at General Post Office, Cuttack or Account Payee Bank Draft/Pay Order drawn in favour of Secretary, Orissa Public Service Commission payable at any Scheduled Bank at Cuttack. Treasury Chalan with wrong mention of Head of Account or wrong mention of designation of the authority in the I.P.O./Bank Draft/Pay Order shall not be accepted. The original Treasury Chalan/Postal Order/Bank Draft/Pay Order, as the case may be, must be sent to the Commission along with the application. Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes of Orissa only are exempted from payment of this fee. No fee exemption is, however, available to SEBC candidates. They are required to pay the full prescribed fee. Neither claim for refund of fee will be entertained nor the fee will be held in reserve for any other recruitment/purpose. Applications not accompanied by the prescribed fee shall be summarily rejected.

(a) (i) The candidate must be a citizen of India;
(ii) The candidate must be of (a) good character, and (b) sound health, good physique and active habits and free from organic defects or bodily infirmity;
(iii) The candidate should be able to speak, read and write Oriya and should have had Oriya as a language subject in the Middle English School standard or any equivalent examination, or has been declared to have passed a test in Oriya language equivalent to the Middle English School Standard conducted by the School & Mass Education Department of Government of Orissa;
(iv) A person, who has more than one spouse living will not be eligible for appointment unless the State Government has exempted his/her case from operation of this limitation for any good and sufficient reasons;
(v) Government servants, whether temporary or permanent, are eligible to apply provided that they possess the requisite qualification and experience and are within the prescribed age-limit as provided under Para-3 & 4 of the advertisement. They must inform their respective Heads of Offices in writing regarding submission of their applications for this recruitment and obtain “No Objection Certificate”;
(vi) A candidate will not be eligible for consideration if, at any time, he/she has been debarred by any State Public Service Commission or by U.P.S.C. from appearing at any examination; (vii) Only those candidates, who fulfil the requisite qualification and other conditions by the closing date of receipt of application, will be considered eligible;
(b) Every candidate selected for appointment shall be examined by the Medical Board. A candidate, who fails to satisfy the Medical Board shall not be appointed;

(i) Candidates are required to submit along with the applications :-
(a) Affix one recent photograph in Black & White (unsigned & unattested) in column 14 of the Short Application Form. Two recent passport size photographs signed by the candidate on the front of the photographs, i.e. one pasted on the right hand corner of the first page of the Long Application Form and second one stitched to the Long Application Form;
(b) The self-addressed Acknowledgement Card (Supplied by this office) mentioning particulars of present Postal address, Short Application Form No., Long Application Form No., Advertisement No. etc. and affixing stamp of Rs.6/-;
(c) Certificates of character and conduct from the Principal/Proctor/Dean or Professor in charge of a Department of Teaching of the College or University in which he/she last studied.

(ii) (a) A candidate found guilty of seeking support for his/her candidature by offering illegal gratification or applying pressure on any person connected with the conduct of the recruitment process or found indulging in any type of malpractice in course of the selection or otherwise, shall, in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution, be disqualified not only for the recruitment for which he/she is a candidate, but also may be debarred, either permanently or for a specified period, from any recruitment or selection to be conducted by the Commission;
(b) The provisions of the Orissa Conduct of Examination Act 1988
(Orissa Act-2 of 1988) are applicable to the examination conducted by the Orissa Public Service Commission.


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(iii) Applications (both Short & Long) found to be incomplete in any respect are liable to rejection_without entertaining any correspondence with the applicants on that score;

(iv) Admission to Examination/viva voce will be provisional. If on verification at any stage before or after the examination/viva voce, it is found that a candidate does not fulfil all the eligibility conditions, his/her candidature will be liable to rejection. Decision of the Commission in regard to eligibility or otherwise of candidate shall be final.

(v) This advertisement should not be construed as binding on the Government to make appointment;

(vi) Concessions meant for S.C., S.T. & S.E.B.C. by Birth are admissible to the Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Socially & Educationally Backward Classes of Orissa only;

(vii) Candidates are required to take due care to annex with the application, the copies of certificates and other documents as stated under Para-10 and mention the total number of the annexed documents at the appropriate place of Annexure-I of the Long application form;

(viii) These posts are permanent. The appointment can be terminated on one month’s notice from either side without assigning any reason thereof.

(ix) No one will be admitted to the examination unless he/she holds a certificate of admission issued by the Commission;

(x) All persons appointed under the Government of Orissa on or after 1st January, 2005 shall not be eligible for pension as defined under sub-rule(1) of Rule-3 of the Orissa Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 1992; but shall be covered by the defined Contribution Pension Scheme in accordance with the Orissa Civil Service (Pension) Amendment Rules, 2005;

(xi) Mere empanelment in the select list shall not confer any right for appointment unless the Government is satisfied after making such enquiry as may be deemed necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to the service.

Candidates are required to submit along with their applications, true copies of the following documents duly attested by a Gazetted Officer or Notary Public. The candidates are also required to mention on each document “submitted by me” and put their full signature on the same. They must not attach to their applications the original certificates. Only those, who are called for the viva voce test will be required to bring with them the original certificates, mark-sheets etc. of the attested copies for verification at the time of viva voce test . If a candidate fails to furnish any of the original documents, in respect of the attested copies, submitted with the application, for verification on the date of interview before the interview starts, he/she shall not be allowed to appear at the interview.
(i) H.S.C. or equivalent certificate in support of declaration of age issued by the concerned Board/Council;
(ii) P.U./P.P./Intermediate/+2 Examination Certificate issued by the concerned Board/Council;
(iii) Degree/Diploma Certificate(s) issued by recognized University as stated under Para-3;
(iv) Certificate from competent authority regarding experience/service if any as required under paragraph-4;
(v) Mark-lists in support of all the aforesaid Examinations passed (i.e. H.S.C. to Degree/Diploma) including fail marks, if any;


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NOTE - Candidates who have not been awarded percentage of marks, but only “GRADE MARKS”, should, along with their applications, produce the conversion certificate from the concerned University indicating the actual equivalent percentage of marks and the conversion formula failing which, their applications are liable to be rejected. While filling up the table under Sl.Nos.5 & 6 of column No.15 of the Long application form, the candidate has to mention details of marks secured in each Semester/Annual examination leading to award of Diploma/Degree.
(vi) Required Oriya Test pass certificate from Competent Authority, whenever applicable;
(vii) Candidates claiming to belonging to S.Cs./S.Ts./S.E.B.Cs. category BY BIRTH are required to enclose with applications, the copies of the relevant Caste/Tribe Certificates issued by the competent authority in the prescribed form. Candidates claiming to belonging to be SEBC category must enclose certificate issued by the competent authority in the prescribed form within the last three years from the date of advertisement. OBC certificate will not be accepted in lieu of SEBC certificate. The concerned certificate by virtue of marriage will not be accepted . The competent authorities are :- District Magistrate/Collector or Additional District Magistrate or Sub-divisional Magistrate/Sub-Collectors or Executive Magistrates or Revenue Officers, not below the rank of Tahasildar/Additional Tahasildar of Government of Orissa.
(viii) Ex-Servicemen are required to attach copy of discharge certificate issued by the Commanding Officer of the Unit last served .
(ix) Candidates claiming to the employees under the Government of Orissa must produce certificate from the employer to that effect indicating their joining in the service.
(x) If a candidate claims to possess qualification, equivalent to the prescribed qualification, the rule/authority (with number and date) under which it is so treated, must be furnished with the application form;

(a) (i) Application Form : Candidates are required to apply to the Secretary to the Commission for the prescribed Application Form (both Short & Long) which along with other particulars can be obtainable either in person from the Office of the Orissa Public Service Commission, 19, Dr. P.K. Parija Road, Cuttack-753001 from 11.00 A.M. to 1.30 P.M. and 2.00 P.M. to 4.00 P.M. on any working day on cash payment of Rs.30/- (Rupees thirty) only or by Registered Post on remittance of Rs.70/- (Rupees seventy) only by Money Order. Full name and address of the candidate, Advertisement Number and name of the post/service advertised must be specified in the Money Order Coupon in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS.
(ii) If money order from any candidate for supply of prescribed application form, is received in the Office of the O.P.S.C. after the last date for receipt of applications, no application form will be supplied to such candidates.
(iii) Candidates must follow instructions meticulously for filling up the Short Application Form as enumerated in Brochure enclosed.
(iv) Applications without fee, photograph and declaration not signed by the candidates (also at all the places provided for signature of candidate both in short application form and long application form) will be summarily rejected. Similarly, applications received late and from overaged/ underaged candidates will also be summarily rejected.
(v) Candidates are required to keep the Short Application Form in the envelope supplied by the office after filling in the same. The candidates must take due care in handling and folding the Short Application Form. The candidates are not required to affix postage stamp on this envelope. The Long application form along with the other documents and the envelope containing the Short application form should be kept in another envelope of bigger size 30cm X 21cm. The closed envelope containing the application must superscribed “Application for recruitment to the post of Drugs Inspector and Advertisement No.”.
(b) Submission of applications : Candidates are required to send their applications in prescribed form by Registered Post/Speed Post/Courier Service to the Secretary, O.P.S.C., 19, Dr. P.K. Parija Road, Cuttack- 753001. Applications received after the closing date shall not be entertained. The Commission will not take any responsibility if the application is not received in time. The candidates may also submit their applications in closed covers in the office of Orissa Public Service Commission directly/personally on or before the last date of receipt of applications at the Counter. The closed envelope containing the application must be superscribed “Application for recruitment to the post of Drugs Inspector”. The candidates submitting their applications directly/personally at the Counter of Orissa Public Service Commission will be given proper acknowledgement receipt.

12. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF APPLICATIONS : On receipt of application form of a candidate, the Acknowledgement Card submitted by him/her along with the application form, will be despatched by the Commission’s Office to him/her. The mere fact that a candidate’s application has been acknowledged by the Commission, does not mean that his/her candidature for the recruitment has been accepted by the Commission.

13. FACILITATION COUNTER : Candidates may contact the O.P.S.C. Facilitation Counter over Telephone No.95671-2304141/2305611 & Extn.-112 & 109 for any guidance/information regarding application or candidature etc.


WARNING: Applications received incomplete in any respect are liable to be summarily rejected. No correspondence on that score will be entertained. The Short application form should be folded only at appropriate places as indicated in the form itself.


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