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Walk in interview for the post of Pharmacist Gr. II in Cochin Port Trust | D.Pharm, B.Pharm

GPAT courses

The Mission of the Cochin Port Trust is to provide dependable, cost-effectivemission Port services  through modern and efficient  infrastructure coupled with high quality, customer  friendly  services. The Port shall manage its assets and resources for optimal economic use to the Nation and the community. The Port  shall strive to be  the main catalyst for the economic development of the region, with a strong commitment to environmentally sound  policies and safe  practices. The Board of Trustees, the employees and all stakeholders of the Port shall work as a team in an open, positive, collaborative and cooperative manner. In pursuit of this Mission, the Port Trust shall be guided by the principles of integrity, ethical behaviour, professional excellence, service to the community and respect for every individual.

Cochin Port Trust Hospital conducting walk-in-interview on 18/10/2013 at 2 PM at the chamber of the undersigned for engagement of Pharmacist Gr.II (1 Post) @ Rs. 14630/- per month on contract basis.

Post: Pharmacist Gr. II : 1 Post

Qualifications: Plus II and D.Pharm/B.Pharm by the State Govt. or any other equivalent Qualification: Eligible for registration with Kerala State Pharmacy Council.
Experience: Experience of not less than 3 years

Age: Minimum 20, Maximum 35

Applicants are directed to report before the Chief Medical Officer along with attested copies of relevant certificate on 18/10/2013 before 12.30 PM.

Additional Information:
D.Pharm, B.Pharm
Location: Kochi
Experience: Min. 3 years

NO. C1/Pharmacist Gr.II/2013-H.


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