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Work as Trainee in GVK Biosciences - 12 posts | B. Pharm, M. Pharm, Final Year M.Sc & BE/B.Tech, ME/M.Tech

Clinical research courses

bioCampus, GVK Biosciences is leading Informatics Services provider with wide range of Products and Services across the R&D value chain. Considered a market leader in the development of MANUALLY curated databases, GVK BIOs databases on SAR, PK/Tox and other areas are widely used in the industry and their utility have been well documented in the scientific literature.

Post: Trainee - 12 posts

Job Description:
Highlights of the Advanced Bioinformatics Course offered by bioCampus:
In Silico Proteomics
1. Protein Structure & Functions.
2. Concept of Databases
3. Sequence Alignment
4. Protein Secondary Structure Prediction
Chemo, Pharma and Toxico-Informatics
Database Management and Oracle
Base SAS
PERL and Bio Perl
Live Project-1 Month

Required Skills: Who have minimum knowledge in C language and interested to have career in Bioinformatics field can apply.

bioCampus students are eligible for the recruitment's held in Informatics- GVK Biosciences Private Limited.

Candidate Profile:
Any B. tech Science graduates with specialization in Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics & Post Graduates - M. Sc in Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology/ Bioinformatics etc, B. Pharm, M. Pharm. Final Year M.Sc & BE/B.Tech, ME/M.Tech as part of their project work.

mail ur resumes: or fill the online form for further details in

Additional Information:
Location: Mallapur, Hyderabad
Education: B. Pharm, M. Pharm, B.E/B.Tech, ME/M.Tech, M.Sc
Industry Type: Pharma/ Biotech/Clinical Research
End Date: 26th Oct, 2012

Contact Details: GVK Biosciences Private Limited
Plot No: 79 | Nacharam | IDA Mallapur| Hyderabad - 500076
Landmark: Near Mallapur Manikchand Circle

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