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Application are invited from Ph.D/M.Pharm/M.Sc for RA/PDF; Project Fellow; Technical Assistant; Field Assistant in National Center for Natural Resources - 26 posts

Clinical research courses

Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University is Chhattisgarh's largest and oldest institution of higher education, founded in 1964, and named after the first chief minister of erstwhile Madhya Pradesh. The University has a sprawling campus in the western part of the capital of Chhattisgarh, Raipur. The campus of University is spread in 207 acres of land. There are Twenty-Nine teaching departments in the University. Out of which six departments buildings have been constructed recently. A variety of self financed courses have been initiated in some departments. The total number of employees is 700, who provide the administrative support at different levels.

Applications are invited from eligible candidates on prescribed application form [] with relevant certificates for the following positions for a period of three years in SERB, DST-funded research project entitled, “National Center for Natural Resources” (DST Ref. No. IR/SO/LU/0008/2011 Dated 3.7.2012).

Post: RA/PDF; Project Fellow; Technical Assistant; Field Assistant- 26 Posts

Monthly Fellowship:
RA – Rs. 22000; 23000; 24000 pm;
Project Fellow – Rs.14000 pm;
Technical Assistant – Rs. 8000 pm;
Field Assistant – Rs. 6000 pm.

All fellowships will include additional HRA and Medical allowance as per the DST/ University norms.

Essential Qualifications:
RA – Ph.D. degree in Botany/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Bioscience/ Life Science/ Pharmacy/ Medicinal Chemistry/ Organic Chemistry/ Phytochemistry/ Anthropology (Physical)/ Human Biology/ Human Genetics;
Project Fellow – M.Sc. in above mentioned subjects with at least 55% aggregate marks;
Technical Assistant – B.Sc. with at least 55% marks/ 3-Year Diploma; Field Assistant – Higher Secondary

Age Limit: Maximum age limits for RA/ PF/ TA are 35, 32 and 28 years, respectively, as on the day of submission of the application. Relaxation in age limit of the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC shall be provided as per the Government rules.

Last Date: Mail your application to Prof. A.K. Pati (, Director, NCNR, SoS in Life Science, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur – 492010 (Chhattisgarh), on or before 24th December, 2012.

Note: The above positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with completion of the project. Visit for application form and other details. No TA/DA will be paid to candidates if called for interview.

The candidates possessing any one of the following essential and desirable qualifications will be appointed as RA/PDF. Preference will be given to candidates having experience of working with modern equipments, such as NMR, LC-MS-MS, GC, HPLC, RT-PCR, AAS, FTIR, UV-Vis/ Fluorescence spectrophotometers.

RA/PDF- 2, 2, 1
Essential & Desirable Qualifications:

Essential Qualification: Ph.D. Physical Anthropology/ Human Genetics/ Human Biology
Desirable Qualification: Experience of conducting survey work in tribal area, Experience of working in Molecular Genetics Lab, Knowledge of Computer
Nature of Work: Fieldwork in tribal areas, Coordination of survey work of various districts of C.G., Data management and Molecular genetic analysis of sample, Data analysis and Report writing.

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Essential & Desirable Qualifications:
Essential Qualification: Ph.D. Biotechnology/ Bioscience/ Life Science
Desirable Qualification: Expertise in techniques of plant tissue culture and handling of molecular markers
Nature of Work: Coordinate the activity on in vitro propagation, conservation and assessment of off-types; of selected medicinal plants.

Essential & Desirable Qualifications:
Essential Qualification: Ph.D. Organic Chemistry/ Phytochemistry/Biochemistry/ Medicinal Chemistry
Desirable Qualification: Natural products/ phyto- chemistry synthetic/ semi-synthetic chemistry and analytical chemistry
Nature of Work: Extraction, isolation, purification, chemical transformation and scaling up of natural products. To work with modern instruments, like NMR, LC-MS-MS, GC, HPLC, UV-Vis spectrophotometer.

Essential & Desirable Qualifications:
Essential Qualification: Ph.D. Bioscience/ Life Science/ Microbiology/ Biotechnology
Desirable Qualification: Expertise in planning and executing the work in the area of natural products isolation and their testing in vivo and in vitro
Nature of Work: Extraction, isolation & purification of phytochemicals, and their bioefficacy testing in in vitro and in vivo

Essential & Desirable Qualifications:
Essential Qualification: M.Pharm. Pharmaceutics/ Pharmacognosy
Desirable Qualification: Formulation Development/ Fingerprinting/ Standardization of Bio-actives
Nature of Work: Pre-formulation and formulation studies and protocols development. Fingerprinting and standardization of Bio-actives. Acquaintance with ICP, WHO and ISB Guidelines

Essential & Desirable Qualifications:
Essential Qualification: Ph.D. Botany/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Bioscience/ Life Science
Desirable Qualification: Experimental knowledge of protocols used in the collection of germplasm and assessment of quality seed and seedlings
Nature of Work: Planning and execution of experimental protocols. Giving training to the villagers regarding seed collection, raising and maintenance of MPs nursery.

Project Fellow- 10
Essential & Desirable Qualifications:
Monthly Pay: 14000.00
Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in relevant subjects [as above]
Desirable Qualification: As Above
Nature of Work: As Above

Technical Assistant- 5
Essential & Desirable Qualifications:
Monthly Pay: 8000.00
Essential Qualification: B.Sc
Desirable Qualification: Professional qualification in Analytical/ Instrumentation/ Lab Techniques, Knowledge of computer
Nature of Work: To assist RA and Project Fellow

Field Assistant- 6
Essential & Desirable Qualifications:
Monthly Pay: 6000.00
Essential Qualification: HSSC
Desirable Qualification: Experience of working in field studies
Nature of Work: To assist in research laboratory and field operations

Advt. No.: NCNR/PRSU/01/2012

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