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Walk in interview for Scientist B in National Centre for Cell Science - M.Pharm / M.Tech

Clinical research courses

The National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS) took birth as National Tissue Culture Facility in March 11, 1986 with a mandate of basic research, teaching & training, and as a national repository for cell lines/hybridomas etc. The centre is located in the midst of academically enriched environment of University of Pune campus, Pune.
During its transformation, the centre has undergone several changes to facilitate achievement of its goals. The centre has expanded its scientific charter to strengthen basic research in the areas of cancer biology, cell biology, immunology, genomics and proteomics.

Walk in interview program for the following MCC project post tenable at NCCS, pune.

Post: Scientist- "B"

Name of the Project: Establishmenotf Microbial Culture Collection

No of Post: 02 Ad hoc Basis Ig NCCS/ MCC, Pune

Age Limir: 35 Years

Qualification & Experience:
* M.Tech./ MD/ M.VSC/ M.Pharm/ M.Biotech with three year of field experience or Ph.D with one year experience.
* Desirable experience Isolation, identification & preservation of bacterial. Techniques like165 rRNA gene sequencing, FAME profiling, Phenotypic characterization etc.

Fix Pay: Rs.45000/-

Date, time & place of interview: 17th Dec, 2012 Time: 9:30 am AI NCCS Complex.

Candidates fulfilling the abover requirementms may attend the Walk in Interview on the above date, time and address. No TA will be paid for attending the interview.
Candidates are required to report at 9:30 am sharp on the date of interview with the following documents.
1. *Biodata form duly filled in.
2. All relevant original documents with a set of attested copies thereof.

* Download the Bio-data form from the NCCS website.

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