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Vacancy as Project Scientist in National Agri-food Biotechnology Institute - 6 posts

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National Agri-food Biotechnology Institute is a premier institute being set up in the knowledge city, Sector 81, Mohali under the aegis of Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. NABI is looking for young and motivated professionals to partner NABI in its endeavor of setting up a world class R&D facility for cutting edge research in the field of Agri-Food Biotechnology.

Name of the position: Project Scientist.

Number of Positions:
02 Plant molecular Biology,
02 Bioinformatics,
02 Analytical Chemistry/Natural Product Chemistry.

Method of recruitment: Open advertisement followed by personal interview.

Last date of receipt of applications: 30/11/2011.

Age limit: 35 years as on the last date of receipt of applications.

Educational Qualifications:
Essential: Ph.D in any branch of life sciences/Bioinformatics/chemical/ nutritional/food sciences/natural product chemistry. OR Mtech/Btech.

I. Research Experience in area relevant to the position applied for:-
1. Plant Molecular Biology: Genomics, molecular biology and filing of International Patents.
2. Bioinformatics: Using and development of bioinformatics tools for nucleic acid and protein sequence and structure analysis, Data mining and development and use of Biological database.
3. Analytical Chemistry: Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry, use ofGC- MS/MS, HPLC-MS, UHPLC-TOF/TOF, HPTLC, MALDI, ICP-MS etc.
II. Research publications in reputed international journals with high impact factor.
6. Remuneration: Consolidated ` 35,000/pm. (without experience), Consolidated ` 45,000/pm (with experience) with 3% annual increment.
7. Leave: 12 days per annum.
8. Medical: Medical Attendance for self as per NABI Rules.
9. Tenure of employment: Two Years from the date of joining duties at NABI, extendable to a maximum period of4 years 11 months subject to yearly assessment review.
10. Termination: One month’s notice by either party. Engagement shall stand terminated automatically at the end of one year if not renewed/extended by NABI. No extension shall be given beyond Four years & Eleven months from the date of initial appointment, under any circumstances.

Candidates interested in the above position may apply in the prescribed format along with all supporting documents in proof of age, educational, experience and publications claimed.

The Synopsis sheet as per the prescribed format
may also be filled and sent by email to with “Synopsis for Project Scientist ( Relevant Subject) “ as the subject line of the email. Failure to send the synopsis sheet in electronic form shall result in rejection of the application form.

Candidates found eligible after scrutiny of applications shall be required to appear before a selection committee. Kindly note that in case there are substantial number of applicants, the Executive Director NABI, reserves the right to devise such criteria as deemed fit to shortlist the candidates for the interview. The decision of the ED NABI shall be final and binding on all in this respect.

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