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Recruitment for ASI/Pharmacist (29 posts) in Para Medical Staff in CRPF | Government Job

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It is proposed to carry out recruitment of combatised paramedical staff in CRPF to fill up the vacancies for the post of SI/Staff Nurse, SI/Radiographer, ASI/Physiotherapist, ASI/Pharmacist, ASI/Lab Tech, ASI/OT Tech, ASI/Dental Tech, HC/X-Ray Asst, HC/Lab Asst. , HC/Steward, CT/Cook, CT(Ward Boy/Girl, CT/Table Boy under the arrangement of Composite Hospital, CRPF, New Delhi, Hyderabad and Guwahati as per enclosed advertisement.
Recruitment of paramedical staff is being conducted on all India basis. As such the advertisement is required to be published in all leading news papers of all states and Union territories. The last date of receipt of application has been fixed on 24/06/2013. As such action for publication of advertisement in leading national/regional news papers, employment news may be taken well in time. 10 copies of advertisement and CD are enclosed herewith for needful action please. Copy of letter to DAVP may be endorsed to this branch for information.

Post: ASI/Pharmacist

No.of Post: 29, General- 19, OBC- 4, SC- 2, ST- 0, Ex- serviceman- 4

Scale of Pay: PB-2 Rs.5200- 20200 plus Grade Pay Rs.2800/-

Education qualification:
1. Intermediate or 10+2 or equivalent from a recognized Board or University and
2. Two years diploma or Degree in Pharmacy granted by an institution of the Central Govt. or State Govt or an institution recognized by the Central Govt. or State Govt. and
3. Should be registered as a “Pharmacist” under the Pharmacy Act 1948(8 of 1948).

Age: General Category – 20 years to 25 years OBC category – 20 years to 28 years and SC Category – 20 years to 30 years as on 01/08/2013.

1 The application form will not be supplied by this office. (Application form also can be downloaded from CRPF Web site The application as per prescribed performa in Advertisement should be type written only on one side of foolscap plain paper and filled in by the candidates in his/her own hand writing, either in Hindi or in English accompanied by attested photocopies of following certificates/ testimonials. The application which is not in prescribed form and incomplete will be rejected. Original Certificate need not be sent:-
a) Certificate as proof of Date of Birth, Educational / technical / professional qualification. Certificate of Matriculation should be issued by the concerned education Board mentioning date of birth.
b) SC/ST/OBC candidates should submit caste certificate issued by a Revenue Officer or not below the rank of Tehsildar / District Magistrate as per specimen enclosed as Appendix “B”, “C” and C-1 below as the case may be otherwise it will be rejected. Every candidate seeking reservation as OBC is required to submit a certificate in prescribed proforma mentioned in Appendix “C” regarding his/her ‘OBC status and noncreamy layer status’ issued by an authority mentioned in DOPT Office Memorandum No. 36012/22/93- Estt.(SCT) dated 15/11/1993. In order to ensure that candidates not eligible to get reservation, do not seek reservation, a declaration, in addition to certificate issued by the competent authority, may be submitted by the candidate seeking reservation as OBCs in the format given at Appendix “C-1”
d) Three self-addressed envelopes (size 22 x 10 cms) bearing name and full postal address of the candidate shall also be enclosed along with the application.
e) Two copies of recent passport size photographs duly written the name of candidate and attested by Gazetted Officer. One copy shall be affixed on the application.
f) Copies of certificate in support of claiming relaxation in physical standard
g) Any other certificate in support of additional qualification / experience etc
h) Valid IPO for Rs .50/- (for GENL and OBC candidates)

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2) Applicants should ensure they have completed 18 years of age on the last date of submission of application.

3) The candidates are required to produce all original certificates including caste certificate issued by the competent authority at the time of test / interview

4) No TA/DA will be allowed to the candidates for their journey to attend test / interview. They will appear for the selection tests at their own expenses and risk.

5) Applications received after last date i.e. 24/06/2013 or 04/07/2013 as in the case may be will be summarily rejected and no further correspondence in this regard will be entertained.

6) No objection certificate (NOC) from the employer should be enclosed with the application in case of persons serving in the Government / Semi Government department undertakings (OR) their applications should be submitted through proper channel well in time so as to reach the addressee on or before 24/06/2013

7) The appointment will be subject to the condition that the candidates declared medically fit SHAPE- I

8) All these posts are combatised. Selected candidates will be sent for Basic combatisation training / course at any of the training institution / GC of the CRPF

9) The services of those who fail to complete the training successfully are liable to be terminated as per the Rules / Instructions issued on the subject by the Department from time to time.

10) After his/her selection/appointment if any candidate is found ineligible or guilty of suppressing facts, on any ground, his/her services will be terminated without assigning any reason.

11) This post carries with all India liability and candidates are liable to be posted any where in India / Abroad.

12) Selected candidates, on their appointment in CRPF will be governed by the CRPF Act, 1949, CRPF Rules 1955 and other rules and regulations as applicable from time to time. In case of candidates so appointed in the Force seeking resignations or discharge as per rule, shall be required to remit to the Govt. a sum equal to 3 months pay and allowances or the cost of training imparted to him/her whichever is higher.

13) The candidates should mention the post of which he/she applied for on the top of the envelope.

14) At the time of joining in CRPF, candidates should have submit an undertaking that if at any stage of their service career, if they are found to be colour blind they will be boarded out as per the SHAPE policy in vogue.

15) Appointment will be made from the final merit list in order of seniority on all India basis

16) Canvassing of any form or any outside influence will automatically disqualify the candidate from appearing the test without notice.

17) Vacancies can be increased or decreased due to administrative reasons.

18) New Contributory pension scheme to Central Govt. Employees, which has come into effect w.e.f. 1/1/2004 will be applicable to the selected candidates.

19) The recruitment board shall not be liable for any claim arising out of any injury etc. suffered during the tests. The decision of the recruitment board shall be final in all matters connected with this recruitment.

20) Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply.

No. R-II-1/2013-Med-3


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