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BITS Pilani offers, from its campuses in Pilani, Hyderabad, Goa and Dubai, formal education and research programmes in Pharmacy

Clinical research courses

BITS Pilani offers, from its campuses in Pilani, Hyderabad, Goa and Dubai, formal education and research programmes in Physical Sciences, Engineering, Pharmacy, Social Sciences and Management. With a view to establish itself as one of India's top research-led universities and be amongst the leading technical universities in the world, BITS Pilani has embarked upon an aggressive plan to expand its postgraduate and Ph.D. research programmes, while consolidating its undergraduate programmes.

Post: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor

BITS Pilani invites motivated and research- focused faculty with an outstanding academic background, and potential to excel in research and teaching, to participate in this venture.

Specifically, BITS Pilani invites applications for the positions of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor for its campuses in Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad in the following disciplines:

  • Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering , Mechanical Engineering
  • Biological Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
  • Economics and Finance, Humanities, Languages, Management
  • Pharmacy and Public Health


Candidates with a recent Ph.D. in the respective discipline will be considered for appointment as Assistant Professor, while those with post-PhD oxporionco of 6 years or moro may bo considorod for highor positions. The details concerning required background and experience, compensation and benefits, and growth opportunities are given at Candidates are required to upload their applications, with details of their educational background, experience and academic achievements.

Candidates who only have an ME / MPhil / MPharm / MBA, but who are interested in pursuing a Ph. D.. may be considered for appointment as Lecturer for up to six years to enable them to contribute to teaching while pursuing a Ph.D. degree. Details concerning this are also available at the above website.

Eligible candidates may apply anytime at the above websfte. The applications will be processed periodically every 3 to 4 months, starting early July. For more information, you may write to Dean, Faculty Affairs, BITS Pilani, Pilani 333 031, Rajasthan, India, or email:

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