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CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN invites applications for posts of Professors, Asso. Professors, Asst Professors - 7 posts



Clinical research courses

The Central University of Rajasthan has been established by an Act of Parliament, the Central Universities Act 2009. The University started working temporarily from Jaipur and introduced two PG programmes in 2009-10, namely M.Sc./M.A. Statistics(Actuarial) and M.Sc. Tech Mathematics in collaboration with Malaviya National Institute of Technology(MNIT),Jaipur.
With effect from academic year 2012-13, the University has decided to launch six additional P.G. Programmes. These will be M.Pharm. (Specialization in Pharmaceutical Chemistry), M.A. in Public Policy, Law and Governance, M.A. in Social Work/ M.S.W., M.Com. M.Sc. in Biochemistry and Microbiology.
The University needs visionary, committed, dynamic, dedicated and hard working persons who believe in high moral and ethical values and who can be partners in building a strong, dynamic and vibrant University with highest academic standards, responsive to changing global trends and providing unparalleled educational opportunities to the learner community, for recruitment to various teaching positions.

Post: Professors, Asso. Professors, Asst Professors


no of posts: 1 {UR}
Post Code: P/PH

Asso. Professor
no of posts: 1 {UR} 1{ST}
Post Code: AP/PH

Asstt. Professor
no of posts: 3 (UR), 1 (OBC)
Post Code: ATP/PH

Professor (01), Associate Professor (02) & Assistant Professor (02): Pharmaceutical and Medicinal chemistry
Assistant Professor (02): Pharmaceutics/Pharmacology/Pharmacognosy/QA/Analytical Chemistry

Qualifications and Experience:
Minimum qualification and experience required for the above posts are as prescribed by UGC / AICTE. {M.Pharm}
NET shall remain the minimum eligibility condition for recruitment and appointment of Assistant Professors except in disciplines for which NET is not conducted.


Pay Scales:
Professor : Rs. 37, 400 – 67, 000 + AGP 10, 000/-
Associate Professor : Rs. 37, 400 – 67, 000 + AGP 9, 000/-
Assistant Professor : Rs. 15, 600 –39, 100 + AGP 6, 000/-

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General Conditions:
1. The qualifications, emoluments and conditions of service, including age of superannuation, shall be as prescribed by the University Grants Commission / Government of India from time to time.
2. The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum qualifications and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for the interview. Where the number of applications received in response to an advertisement is large and it is not feasible or possible to interview all the candidates, the University at its discretion, may restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications / experience higher than the minimum prescribed for the post. The University, however, encourages candidates possessing higher qualifications and experience.
3. Those already employed should apply through proper channel. However, they may submit an advance copy to meet the deadline set for receiving the applications.
4. Canvassing in any form may lead to cancellation of candidature.
5. The University reserves the right to:
i. Offer a post at a level lower than that applied for, depending upon the qualifications, experience and performance of the candidate.
ii. Draw up reserve panel / waiting list(s), which will be valid for one year from the date of approval by the competent authority and may be used for appointments on consequential / new vacancies.
iii. Consider applications received after last date.
iv. Consider “in absentia” candidature of those who may not have applied or who may have applied but are not able to appear for the interview.
v. Not to fill up any or all of the advertised posts, without assigning any reasons.
vi. Reduce or increase the number of posts.
vii. Decide criteria / procedure for short listing of the candidates
viii. Consider the appointment on direct recruitment / on deputation / contract basis.
ix. Relax minimum requirements of qualification and/or experience on the recommendation of the Screening/Selection Committee.
6. The University is functioning in its permanent campus at Bandarsindri, NH-8, District Ajmer.
7. Candidates if selected will have to give undertaking to serve the University at any place as required.
8. Separate application should be submitted for each post.
9. The candidates of reserved category, interested to be considered also for an UR post, are required to send a separate application form and clearly indicate in the appropriate box in the application form.
10. Experience and qualification will be reckoned as on last date of submission of application i.e. as on 30th April, 2012. Clear quality photocopies of all important certificates must be attached with the application.
11. No TA / DA shall be paid to the candidates for attending the interview. However, the SC/ST/PWD candidates will be reimbursed contribution equivalent to second class railway/ bus fare by shortest route on production of tickets.
12. Relaxation of 5% marks (from 55% to 50%) will be given for the qualifying examination as per Govt. of India norms in case of SC/ST/PWD candidates.
13. Application fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
14. The University will not be responsible for postal delay or disruption for online submission in receipt of the application forms from the candidates.
15. Applications (i) received after the last date, (ii) incomplete in any respect, (iii) not accompanied by copies of the required documents, and (iv) any fresh paper / enclosures submitted after closing date, may not be considered.
16. Certificate in support of experience should be in proper format i.e. it should be on the organization’s letter head, bear the date of issue, indicate specific period of work, name and designation of the issuing authority along with his signature.
17. It is the responsibility of the candidate to enclose copies of the relevant documents for verification in support of a claim for credit for a qualification/ experience, failing which the claim may not be taken into account.
18. The University shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at any time, at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents / background and has suppressed the said information, his/her services shall be terminated.
19. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of appointment letter, the University reserves the right to modify/ withdraw / cancel any communication made to the candidates.
20. In case of any dispute / ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the University shall be final.
21. Candidates should send self attested copies of certificates and mark-sheets from X std. onwards in support of their qualifications. Originals should not be sent along with the application but these must be produced at the time of interview.
22. Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the minimum essential qualifications laid down in the advertisement.
23. No correspondence will be entertained from candidates regarding postal delays, conduct and result of interview and reasons for not being called for interview.
24. In case of any disputes/suites or legal proceedings against the University, the Jurisdiction shall be restricted to the Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur.
25. If D.D. number filled in the Application Form at the time of filling application form is not found correct or does not match with the original demand draft number attached with the application form, then the application may be rejected.

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1. You should go through all the necessary information available on the website i.e. before filling the form online.
2. If you are not very conversant with internet, download the sample Application Form from the link “Download Sample Application Form”, then fill sample Application Form for practice.
3. Only Online Applications will be accepted. Sample form will not be accepted in any case.
4. After practicing on the sample application form, get ready with the Demand Draft for applying online.
(a) The Demand Draft of Rs. 300/- should be in favour of “Central University of Rajasthan” and should be payable at Kishangarh.
(b) The SC / ST / Persons with Disability (PWD) or Physically Challenged (PH) candidates and in-service candidates of the Central University for Rajasthan are exempted from application fee.
5. Open the website
6. Start filling the application form online. First press the button "Apply Online". Select the post you are applying for. There are three separate categories of posts:
· Teaching posts: Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors.
7. Select the post from the drop down window for which you are applying. Press the button "Continue" to go to next page.
8. Fill your name, email-id and mobile number. On pressing the button "Submit" your control number and password will be generated. These will be sent to you through SMS and e-mail. These will be required to log-in again.
9. Now you will be directed to the main application page. For your convenience this page is divided into a number of sections viz. Personal Details, Qualification Details, Employment Status, Fee Details and Research Activity.
10. You are advised to fill each section completely before moving to next section. Ensure that the mandatory fields marked * are filled. After completing one section, press button "Continue" to move to the next section. If some mandatory fields are not filled then you will not be permitted to go to the next section. Your cursor will go to the field which is left blank. Message box in red will show the discrepancy.
11. Complete all sections and press "Submit Form".
12. If the form is filled completely now, the printout of the form will be displayed on the screen. Take its two printouts. One is for your record and the other one is to be signed and sent to Registrar, Central University of Rajasthan, Bandarsindri-305801, National Highway 08, Dist. Ajmer (Rajasthan), India by Registered Post only. Do not forget to paste your latest photo, attach the Demand Draft and necessary photocopies with it, failing which the form is likely to be rejected. The envelope containing the application form with the enclosures should clearly specify the code and the name of the post applied for.

The last date for on-line application is 30th April, 2012. The hard copy of the application should reach the address given above on or before 07th May, 2012.
13. You will need two identical copies of your latest photograph. These should be pasted on the duplicate printouts of the form. The photos pasted on the forms should be self-attested.
14. All the information is available on the University website only. No hard copy of the information or application form will be supplied.
15. Documents to be enclosed along with the printout of the online application form:
(i) Demand Draft.
(ii) Photocopy of certificate in support of Date of Birth and Place of Birth.
(iii) Photocopies of all the documents related to qualifications.
(iv) Photocopies of certificates related to experience.
(v) List of Papers / Books / Thesis published (if applicable)
(vi) Any other document in support of your qualifications, experience etc. as mentioned in the form.
(vii) Photo copy of SC/ST/OBC/PWD certificate, where applicable.
16. You can save and sign out during any stage while filling the online application. To continue you have to log-in again by giving your control number and password.
17. If you forget your password, press the button "Forgot Password" on the home page. Your password will be mailed to your email address. For any query, send a mail to:
Note: Applicants for Teaching Positions are required to fill up the API Score Card and send it along with the application form.

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