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Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee invites the applications on the prescribed form as Pharmacist

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Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee invites the applications on the prescribed form for the following posts as per details given against each. The application form and general conditions may be obtained from Superintendent, Establishment ‘B’ Section, IIT Roorkee.

Post: Pharmacist, 01 Post (SC), PB-1 (5200-20200) Grade Pay 2800

Qualification & Experience (1) 10+2 or equivalent with Science Stream (2) Diploma or Degree in Pharmacy granted by an Institution of the Central/State Govt. or an institution recognised by the Central or State Govt. (3) Should be registered as a “Pharmacist” under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.

Age: 18-32 years.

General Conditions
1. For availing the benefit of OBC category, the relevant candidates may enclose the OBC Non Cleamylayer certificate issued after 1-4-2010 on the proforma prescribed by the Govt. of India with the application form.
2. Being other things are equal the eligible applicants for the posts at Sl.No. 3 to 4 belonging to the region around Roorkee and Saharanpur will be given preference, for which they have to attach an attested copy of domicile certificate of that area.
3. Applicants must clearly fill the name of post against which he/she applied alongwith his/her category in the form clearly. All the attested copies of certificates with respect to date of birth, experience, qualification etc. must be attached with the application form.
4. The candidates of reserved category interested to apply on un-reserved category post in addition to the reserved category post will submit application form for both the categories of posts separately
5. The candidates should send a Bank Draft of Rs. 100/- in favour of Registrar, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee payable at Roorkee towards the Application Fee. No fee is required from IIT Roorkee, Roorkee employees, SC/ST and Persons with Disabilities candidates.
6. Institute reserves the right to fill up the post, not to fill up the posts or cancel the advertisement in whole or partly without assigning any reason. The Institute will also reserve the right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for written test/interview. Fulfilment of essential qualifications per-se does not entitle a candidate to be called for test/interview. The decision of the Institute in this regard will be final.
7. Incomplete applications/without relevant supporting enclosures/without prescribed fee/ application not on prescribed form will be out rightly rejected.
8. Complete application form should be sent to the Assistant Registrar, Establishment (B), Section, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee - 247667 (Uttaakhand). The last date of receipt of Application Form is 30 days from the date of publication in the Employment News i.e. April 25, 2011, the application received thereafter will not be entertained and Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay.
9. Interim correspondence will not be entertained and replied to.

Advt. No. IITR/Estt(B)/11729/E-2273/2011

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