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Vacancy in Assam University for the post of Associate Professor- 01 post

Clinical research courses

Assam University came into existence through Assam (Central) University Act, 1989 (Act. No. XIII). It was  established in 1994,since then  the University is steadily becoming  an excellent centre of learning. The campus, situated in Dargakona, about 20 kms from  Silchar, is set amid sprawling hillocks, a typical landscape in the  North East. The campus  in an area of  600 acres surrounded by lakes and mountains provides  an ideal environment for academic pursuit.
Drawing its 230 plus faculty from many disciplines, from all over the country, the university sustains a multidisciplinary approach to higher education.

Post: Associate Professor- 01 post {UR, OH-PWD}

Applications in prescribed form are invited from Indian nationals for filling up the following Teaching & Non-teaching positions at Silchar & Diphu Campus with UGC pay scale in the University. The vacancy positions (reservation) are shown against each department / post within bracket.

Non-Teaching: Five year tenure Post. 1. Finance Officer 1 (UR).
Last date for issue of application form 14/07/2011.
Last date for receipt of filled in application form 21/07/2011.

(i) UR-Unreserved SC-Scheduled Caste, ST-Scheduled Tribe, PWD- Persons with Disability and OBC-Other Backward Classes, LV-Leave Vacancy, OH-Orthopaedically handicapped, HI-Hearing Impairment, * 1 (UR) Associate Professor in Mass Communication is subject to the MHRD Clearance.
(ii) Leave vacancies are likely to be regular in due course. Details of eligibility, qualification, experience, specialization etc and application form can be obtained at” or from the “Section Officer, Academic Coordination (II), Assam University, Raja Rammohan Roy Administrative Building, Silchar– 788011” during office hours on all working days in person.

Cost of application form: Rs.50.00. Application fee: Rs.400.00 including OBC (SC/ST/PWD candidatesshall not have to pay application fees, however Rs.50.00 from SC/ST/PWD will be charged as postal expenses only,) .Applicants downloading application form from website will have to pay Rs.450.00 as application fee including OBC (SC/ST/PWD candidates shall not have to pay application fees however Rs 50 from SC/ST/PWD will be charged as postal expenses only). The filled in application form is to be submitted in a sealed cover super scribed with “Post applied for” with Advertisement no. etc to Section Officer (Academic Coordination-II), Assam University, Raja Rammohan Roy Administrative Building, Silchar–788 011.

Mode of Payment: Cost of application form and application fee has to be submitted through demand draft drawn in favour of Finance Officer, Assam University, Silchar payable at UCO Bank, Silchar (Branch Code 2005) or State Bank of India, Silchar (Branch Code 7061).

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