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National AIDS Research Institute invites Scientist-D (Molecular Virology)

Clinical research courses

National AIDS Research Institute [NARI] was established in October 1992 in Bhosari, Pune on a seven acre plot. The Institute has progressively expanded its activities in various aspects of research on HIV and AIDS through infra-structural development, capacity building & research programmes. The present infrastructure includes the Institute housed in a 28024 sq. mtr space, residential accomadation for the staff, a power plant to ensure uninterrupted power supply and an incinerator for safe disposal of bio-waste.

Post: Scientist-D (Molecular Virology)

Application are invited in the prescribed format upto 10/08/2013 for the following posts at the National AIDS Research Institute, Pune

Pay Band: PB-3 Rs 15600-39100 + GP Rs.7600/- 1 Post

Essential Qualifications & Experience:
(i) First Class Masters Degree in Biotechnology / Molecular Virology/Biology, Microbiology or Immunology from a recognized University
2nd class M.Sc with Ph.D degree in Biotechnology / Molecular Virology/Biology, Microbiology or Immunology From a Recognized University.
(ii) Eight years R&D or teaching experience in the above mentioned subjects in recognized Institute(s) after obtaining essential qualification (i) out which at least 2 years in a Managerial Position to handle R & D projects in a team effectively in a directing capacity.

Desirable Qualifications:
(i) Ph.D in Biotechnology / Molecular Virology/Biology, Microbiology or Immunology from a recognized University.
(ii) Additional Post-doctoral research/teaching experience in recognized Institute(s)
(iii) Knowledge of Computer Applications.

Job. Requirements: The incumbent is required to plan and execute research studies in the field of Molecular Virology/Biology, Microbiology and Immunology. In addition to its other activities, the Institute is engaged in basic biology research to understand the immunopathogenesis of HIV infection, molecular basis of HIV Drug Resistance, molecular basis of HIV prevention strategy and Molecular diagnosis for HIV. The incumbent is expected to join a multidisciplinary team of researcher at the Institute, working on projects aimed at control of HIV infection. The incumbent is also expected to take part in supervision of routine activities for molecular diagnosis in connection with other projects. He/she is expected to write project proposals for both intramural and extramural funding. He/she is also expected to participate in training programmes conducted by the Institute as a capacity building exercise. A bright scientist with a proven record of generating and executing research projects, ability to work as a part of the team and innovative thinking will be suitable for this position.

The detailed description of the various projects undertaken by NARI can be found on the website ( The person with original thinking and aptitude for independent research will be preferred.

Age: Not exceeding 45 years for the post of Scientist-D and 40 years for the post of Scientist-C. Relaxable up to 5 years for Government servants and for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates in accordance with the instructions issued by the Department of Personnel and Training from time to time in this regard. However, the prescribed age may be further relaxed in exceptional cases for experienced & qualified candidates.

One time age relaxation is also allowed to Scientific and Technical staff working in long term projects in ICMR Institutes/Centres for posts advertised under HRSC, 2007 provided they meet essential qualifications and experience for the post with a view to provide them opportunity to compete with other candidates as per Council’s letter No.6/1/2007-Admn. II dated 28.03.2011.

Pay Band- 3 Rs. 15600-39100 Plus Grade Pay Rs.7600/- for the post of Scientist-D

(1) Application forms and other information can be obtained from ICMR's website and NARI website on or before the closmg date.
(2) Application forms duly completed in all respects and signed by the applicant should be sent to the Director, National AIDS Research Institute, Plot No. 73, 'G' Block. MIDC, Bhosari, Pune - 411 026 on or before the closmg date.
(3) Documents to be enclosed with the application form (Copies attested by Gazetted Officer):
a) Proof of Date of Birth (SSC Board Certificate)
b) Educational qualification (all Degrees/Diplomas and certificate courses and mark sheet for all years to be enclosed)
c) Experience (Proof for experiences to be enclosed)
d) Crossed Indian Postal Order /Demand Draft from any Nationalized Bank for Rs. 100/- (Rupees One hundred only)    payable to the Director, National Research Institute, Pune. SC/ST, physically handicapped (PH) candidates and women candidates are exempted from the application fee. Fees by IPO/DDs are payable by all other candidates including ICMR employees.
(4) Unsigned/Incomplete application or application without supportive evidence asked for / without fees by IPO/DD, applications received late are liable to be summarily rejected.


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