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Application invited as Lecturer and Non-Faculty vacancies in National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research - 17 posts

GPAT courses

NIPER, Rae Bareli at ITI campus, Rae Bareli under the mentoring Institute of Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow invites application for following positions on purely temporary basis on contract initially for a period of 1 year which can be extended further for another year on the existing terms and conditions of the offer. The selected candidates shall have no claim for regularization implicitly / explicitly against any regular post either in NIPER or CDRI.

Application are invited from the eligible candidates for the following positions.
1. Lecturer: (Medicinal Chemistry) - 1 (one) position, Emolument between Rs.35,000/= to Rs.75,000/= p.m. (Consolidated) based on their qualification and teaching experience. Age Limit: up to 62 years
Essential Qualifications & Experience: M. Pharm OR MS. Pharm with at least 60% marks and 3 years Research experience and / or Teaching post graduate courses OR M. Sc with PhD in Synthetic Organic / Medicinal Chemistry.
Job Requirements: Teaching & practical classes of MS. Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry)

2. Lecturer: (Pharmaceutics) – 1 (one) position, Emolument between Rs.35,000/= to Rs.75,000/= p.m. (Consolidated) based on their qualification and teaching experience. Age Limit: up to 62 years
Essential qualifications & Experience: M. Pharm (Pharmaceutics) with at least 60 % marks and 3 years research experience and/ or teaching post graduate courses.
Job Requirements: Teaching & practical classes of MS. Pharm (Pharmaceutics)

3. Lecturer: (Pharmacology & Toxicology) – 1 (one) position, Emolument between Rs.35,000/= to Rs.75,000/= p.m. (Consolidated) based on their qualification and teaching experience. Age Limit: up to 62 years.
Essential qualifications & Experience: M.Pharm (Pharmacology)/ MS. Pharm (Pharmacology & Toxicology) with at least 60 % marks with 3 years experience in research and/ or teaching post graduate courses OR MSc with PhD in relevant area.
Job Requirements: Teaching & practical classes of MS. Pharm (Pharmacology & Toxicology).

4. Office Assistant – 8 (Eight) positions, Emolument Rs. 14,000/= p.m. (Consolidated): Age Limit: 40 years
Essential qualifications & Experience: Graduate with 50% marks with fluency in English and proficiency in MS office & computer operations with two years of work experience.

5. Office Assistant (Academic Affairs) – 1 (one) position, Emolument Rs. 14,000/= p.m. (Consolidated): Age Limit: 40 years.
Essential qualifications & Experience: Post Graduate with proficiency in Computer operations, having minimum 2 years of experience in office work in a government/ semi government organisation/ PSU. Candidates having work experience in the area of Examinations / Academic affairs shall be given preference.

6. Store & Purchase Assistant – 1 (one) position Emolument Rs. 14,000/= p.m. (Consolidated): Age Limit: 40 years.
Essential qualifications & Experience: Graduate or equivalent with a minimum 5 years experience in Store & purchase operations in a government/ semi government organisation/ PSU.

7. Assistant Librarian – 1 (one) position, Emoluments Rs 17,000/= p.m. (Consolidated), Age Limit – 40 yrs
Essential qualification: Postgraduate in any subjects and B. Lib. Sc. from a recognized University OR Graduate in any Science subject and M. Lib. Sc. from any recognized University.
Experience - Three years experience of working in a Library and Information Centre attached with any R & D Organization OR an Institution offering Technical courses.

8. IT Resource Manager – 1 (one) position, Emolument Rs. 22,000/= p.m. (Consolidated), Age Limit: 40 years
Essential Qualification and Experience :- B. Tech (Computer Science) / MCA with 5 years demonstrated experience in maintaining IT resources (such as PCs, LCD, Projector, Network etc) both Hardware and Software.
Job Requirement: Web designing & Management. The candidate is expected to teach/ demonstrate computer operations, languages such as C++, MS Office and Databases and up keep of IT equipments.

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9. Electrician - 1 (one) position, Emolument Rs.10,000/= p.m. (Consolidated),
Age Limit: 40 years.
Qualifications & Experience: ITI (Electrical Trade). Minimum two years experience in Electrical wiring or repairs in a government/ semi government/public limited organisations.

10. Liaison Officer cum Receptionist - 1 (one) position, Emolument Rs.14,000/-p.m. (Consolidated) Age Limit: 40 years.
Essential qualifications: Graduate with 55% marks.
Experience: Two years General experience in Legal / Documentation / Office Work.
Desirable Qualification: Fluency in spoken Hindi and English and Computer operations.

General Instructions:-
1. Eligible and Interested candidates are requested to apply with a duly filled in application along with attested copies of mark sheets / certificates etc. and a recent passport size photograph on or before 28.06.2012 and addressed to “The Director, Central Drug Research Institute, Chattar Manzil Palace, (Post Box No- 173), M.G. Marg, Lucknow - 226 001”.
2. The date for determining the age limit/experience/qualifications shall be the closing date prescribed for receipt of applications.
3. Incomplete applications and those received after due date and also such of the applications which are not supported with attested copies of certificates, mark sheets, caste certificates on the prescribed form issued by the specified authority and unsigned applications are liable to be rejected.
4. Number of position(s) may be changed at the time of selection.
5. Applications for each post should be submitted separately.
6. The envelope containing the application should be super scribed Advertisement No. and Application for the post applied for.
7. Mere fulfilling the minimum prescribed qualifications and experience will not vest a right to the candidates for being called for Interview. This Institutes reserves the right to short-list the candidates for calling for Interview on the basis of Screening of applications.
8. Age relaxation will be admissible to SC/ST/OBC / Women (Widow & Judicially separated), PWD and Ex-Servicemen candidates as per GOI rules.


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