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Pharmacist invited in Employees State Insurance Scheme of India - 8 posts | Governmentt Job

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Employees State Insurance Scheme of India, is a multidimensional social security system tailored to provide socio-economic protection to worker population and their dependants covered under the scheme. Besides full medical care for self and dependants, that is admissible from day one of insurable employment, the insured persons are also entitled to a variety of cash benefits in times of physical distress due to sickness, temporary or permanent disablement etc. resulting in loss of earning capacity, the confinement in respect of insured women, dependants of insured persons who die in industrial accidents or because of employment injury or occupational hazard are entitled to a monthly pension called the dependants benefit.

Post: Pharmacist - total 8 posts

Post Code: 04

Pay Band: PB – 15200 – 20200 with GP – 2800

No of Post: Total 8 posts
SC-01, ST-01, OBC-03, UR-03
Horizontal Vacancies: Ex/SM:01; Persons with physical disability: 02

# No. of vacancies may increase or decrease depending upon the actual requirement of Directorate (Medical) Delhi ESI Scheme.
Code for categories of Persons with disabilities (Physically challenged) BL : Both Leg, HH : Hearing
Handicapped, LV : Low Vision, OA : One Arm, OAL : One Arm & One Leg, OL : One Leg.
## The recruitment for the post of photographer (One UR) published in Employment News on 22- 28
Oct’ 2011 & Hindustan Times, Navbharat Times on 24 October 2011 & ESIC website has been cancelled due to Administrative reasons. Those candidates applied in said notification are required to apply again.

Educational & Other Qualifications:-
Must have acquired requisite qualification on or before closing date of receipt of application 14/02/2012
Degree in Pharmacy / Sr. Secondary with Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized Institution and qualified & Registered as pharmacist under pharmacy Act,1948

Age: Not Exceeding 32 years (Relaxable up to 37 years in case of Government Servants and employees of ESI Corporation.)

Note: 1. Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the competent authority in case of candidates otherwise
well qualified.
Note: 2 The qualification(s) regarding experience is/are relaxable at the discretion of the competent authority in the case of candidates belonging to Schedule Castes & Schedule Tribes, if at any stage of selection the competent authority is of the opinion that sufficient number of candidates from these communities possessing the requisite experience are not likely to be available to fill up the vacancies reserved for them.

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Upper age limit is relaxable for Govt. Servant and Employee of ESI Corporation for the post as mentioned against each of them. Upper age limit is also relaxable for SC/ST/OBC/ PWD/Ex- Servicemen & other categories of persons as per rules/instructions of Govt. of India.
The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be 14/02/2012 for all candidates.


Amount for UR & OBC candidates Rs 125 /-
All SC/ST/PWD/Ex. Serviceman, female candidates & ESIC employees are exempted from payment of fee. NI

Departmental candidates are exempted for payment of fee subject to forwarding of their application through proper channel & enclosing certificate of service from the ESI Corporation/Dispensaries/Hospitals. Demand Draft should be issued by State Bank of India with validity of 6 months, in favor of “ESI Fund Account No. - 1, D (M) D” payable at New Delhi. Payment in any other form will not be accepted. The Demand draft must be issued after the issuing date of this advertisement.

For the post appeared at Post Code 1 to 11 the appointment will be made on the basis of written examination and for the post appeared at Post Code 12 to 24 the appointment will be made on the basis of Written examination followed by interview (80 Marks for written examination+ 20 Marks for Interview) emphasizing on testing the knowledge of related field. Written test & interview shall be held in DELHI only.

a) Candidates have to fill application in the prescribed proforma given below in their own handwriting in English or Hindi language with Blue or Black ball point pen, duly supported with clear / legible attested copies of the relevant certificates and marks statements (in English or Hindi) along with Demand Draft should be sent by Registered post / Speed post or by hand at the following address:-
The Jt. Director (Recruitment),
ESI Scheme, Dispensary Complex,
Tilak Vihar (Tilak Nagar),
Near Tilak Vihar Police Chowki,
New Delhi-110018.
b) All eligibility criteria for the above posts i.e. Age, Educational/Technical Qualification/Registration /Internship and experience will be reckoned on or before 14/02/2012
c) Before applying, applicants must ensure that they are eligible as per the eligibility criteria. The Candidature of applicants who are found ineligible will be cancelled at any stage of selection.
d) Candidates claiming reservation/age relaxation on grounds of belonging to OBC should submit the Community Certificate in annexure “A” prescribed vide Govt. of India, Department of Personnel and Training OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt (SCT) dated 08.09.1993 which is modified vide G.O.I., DOPT’s OM No. 36033/3/2004-EST (Res.) dated 09.03.2004 failing which the benefit of reservation/relaxation will not be given or their application shall be rejected and no request/ correspondence will be entertained.
e) Original documents/certificates should not be enclosed / sent with application.
f) The candidate should submit one application only in an envelope for one post. The candidature of those candidates who submit more than one application for the same post is liable to be rejected.
g) Envelope containing the application should be super scribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF -_____________2011.” One envelope should contain one application only.
h) The initial place of posting will be Delhi / Noida. However, incumbents are liable to be transferred anywhere in India, as and when required as per ESIC HQRS office policy.
i) Applications not in the prescribed format as appended below OR incomplete applications (without photograph also) OR unsigned applications OR applications received after the last date of the receipt of applications OR without required enclosures are liable to be rejected and no reason of rejection will be communicated.
j) The candidates already in Govt. Service must specifically mention the details of employment and should submit their application Through Proper Channel. However, they may send an advance copy of their application along with Demand Draft and other certificates & testimonial so as to reach this office on or before the last date for receipt of application.
k) Mere submission of application does not confer any right on the candidates to be called for examination or interview.
l) No interim correspondence/enquiry will be entertained.
m) Last date of receipt of application:14/02/2012 up to 5:30 p.m. (Last date for receipt of application from candidates residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu and Kashmir State, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep will be 21/02/2012 up to 5:30 p.m.) ESI Corporation will not be responsible for postal delays.
n) No TA shall be paid to any candidate including SC/ST candidates for appearing in the written examination. TA shall be paid to SC/ST candidates for interview only as per Govt. of India orders.
o) Documents required to be attached with the application failing which application may be rejected. Attested photocopies of certificates in support of (i) Date of Birth (ii) All Educational Qualification Certificates (along with marks sheet) (iii) Technical/ professional Qualification along with Mark sheets (iv) Registration certificate where required (v) Caste certificate (vi) experience certificate (vII) Completion of Internship Certificate, where required (viii) Disability certificate in case of Persons with disabilities (Physically Challenged) candidates (ix) Discharge certificate for Ex. Serviceman candidates

5. Two recent pass port size colour photographs duly attested by Gazetted Officer. One photo should be firmly pasted (not stapled or pinned) in the space provided in the application form and second photograph should be attached with the application.

6. The candidates are advised to apply only in prescribed proforma published as appended below or downloaded from our website: If there is any variation in application proforma, the same may be rejected.

7. The Directorate also reserves the right to cancel the recruitment as well as the notified vacancies at its discretion and such decision will be binding on all concerned. In the event of cancellation of notified vacancies, the examination fee will not be refunded.
NOTE :- (1) The Demand Draft should not be tagged or stapled, but should be pinned or clipped at the top of the application form. (2) Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. (3)Candidate must write his/her name, post applied for and address on the back of the Demand Draft. (4)Prescribed Proforma and Annexure-‘A’ are
as under.


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