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Require Project Assistant II @ Central Food Technological Research Institute(CFTRI)

Clinical research courses

Central Food Technological Research Institute(CFTRI), Mysore (a constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial research, New Delhi) came into existence during 1950 with the great vision of its founders, and a network of inspiring as well as dedicated scientists who had a fascination to pursue in-depth research and development in the areas of food science and technology. the focus of the Institute has been towards low-cost effective technologies, utilisation of indigenous raw materials, bio-friendly processes with emphasis on integrated technology and high level pursuit for total technology with underpinning of food safety, health and nutrition to all sections of the population.

Post: Project Assistant - II
Position Code: PAT 2

I Class M.Sc Botany / Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry / Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Biosciences / Microbiology / Zoology / Food Technology / Food Science / Food Science & Nutrition / Fisheries Science / Environmental Science / Environmental Chemistry / Computer Science OR I Class BE / BTech in Chemical / Computer / Polymer / Electrical and Electronics / Mechanical OR I Class MCA OR I Class M.Com / MBA (after B.Sc) with Computer Proficiency OR I Class M.Lib OR I Class M.Pharm

Stipend ( Under Revision ) : Rs. 8000 p.m

Maximum age limit. (Relaxation is applicable for SC/ST/OBC as per GOI instructions) : 28 years


Terms & Conditions of engagement:
   1. Project Assistants engaged in externally funded projects are governed by the terms and conditions of CFTRI / CSIR as amended from time to time
   2. The engagement is exclusively for externally funded Grant-in-Aid / Sponsored / Consultancy Projects.
   3. The engagement will be contractual and on purely temporary basis in the project
   4. The engagement under externally funded project does not confer any right/ claim whatsoever, either explicitly or implicitly on the appointee, for regular appointment in CSIR / CFTRI against any post or otherwise under any legal conditions or precedent.
   5. The Project Assistants engaged in externally funded projects are not eligible for registration for PhD by way of research.

   1. Applications received in response to this advertisement will be considered only for the position indicated.
   2. Project assistants who have been engaged in response to their applications against earlier advertisements and have worked in a project and are at present working in a project are also required to apply and in their case the reengagement / engagement is subject to the terms and conditions issued in this regard.
   3. Candidates who are at present pursuing final semester/ awaiting final semester results are requested to apply online once the results are declared, as the option to apply online will be available throughout the year.

The candidates who are agreeable to the above terms and conditions of engagement as Project Assistants may  submit their resume on line and send a signed hard copy on plain paper in the following format or download the application from the website after submitting online along with age proof, mark sheet, certificates, experience certificate etc., in support of their claim in the application, indicating the registration number allotted to them at the time of on line submission, to the Controller of Administration, Central Food Technological Research Institute, MYSORE - 570 020 within 5 days from the date of online submission.

Incomplete applications, applications received without relevant documents in support of claim will not be entertained.

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