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Recruitment to the posts of Assistant Professors in Group-A of Odisha Medical Education Service under Health & Family Welfare Department

Clinical research courses

Applications in the prescribed form are invited from doctors having Post Graduate Degree in the concerned speciality/higher speciality and having experience of at least 3(three) years as Senior Resident/Tutor and also from Assistant Professors of respective speciality or from any other speciality or higher speciality for recruitment to the following posts of Assistant Professors in different disciplines in any Medical College and the attached hospital(s) established by the State Government and Sardar Vallababhai Patel Post Graduate Institute of Paediatrics, Cuttack in Group-A of the Orissa Medical Education Service (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2009 (as amended from time to time) in the Pay Band of `15,600-39,100/- with AGP `8,000/- along with usual allowances as sanctioned by the Government of Orissa from time to time.
Candidates, who are in the last year of 3 years Residentship which is one of the eligibility criteria, can also apply. However, result of such candidates will be kept in a sealed cover and will be subject to the result of O.A. No.3240(C)/10 pending in the Hon’ble Tribunal regarding recruitment process relating to Advertisement No. 04 0f 2010-11.

VACANCY POSITION: As per requisition filed by the Health & Family Welfare Department, the vacancy position alongwith reservation thereof is given below:
Pharmacology - 01 post unreserved

AGE: The maximum age limit shall be 45 years as on 1st August, 2011 for the candidates acquired P.G. degree with three years experience as Senior Residents/Tutors.
The upper age limit prescribed above will be relaxable:-
(i) Upto a maximum of five years, if a candidate belongs to a Scheduled Caste (S.C.) or a Scheduled Tribe (S.T.) or Socially and Educationally Backward Class (S.E.B.C.) or is an eligible Ex-serviceman or a woman;
(ii) Upto a maximum of ten years for Physically Handicapped candidates;
Provided that, a person who comes under more than one category mentioned above, shall be eligible only one benefit of upper age relaxation, which shall be considered most beneficial to him/her.
The date of birth entered in the High School Certificate or equivalent Certificate issued by the concerned Board/Council will only be accepted by the Commission.

M. D. (Pharmacology)/ M.Sc. (Medical Pharmacology) with 3 years teaching experience in the subject from a recognized Medical College as Tutor.
Provided that, in case of non availability of candidate with Medical Degree in the discipline of Pharmacology, non-medical teachers may be appointed to the extent of 30% of the total number of posts

(i) The candidate must be a citizen of India;
(ii) The candidate must be of (a) good moral character, and (b) sound physical and mental health, good physique and active habits and free from organic defects or bodily infirmities so as not to create an impairment in the due discharge of duties;
(iii) He/She must be able to speak, read and write Odia fluently and must have passed:
at least an examination in Odia language equivalent to that of Middle English School Standard conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha ; or the Education Department of Govt. of Odisha or any other Board or Council of Secondary Education approved by the Government of Odisha in support of passing of Odia Language Test (M.E. School standard);
(iv) A person, who has more than one spouse living or in case of a woman candidate, if married to a person having one spouse living, shall not be eligible for appearing at the examination/interview :
Provided that the State Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person or there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule;
(v) Government servants, whether temporary or permanent, are eligible to apply provided that they possess the requisite qualification and experience and are within the prescribed age-limit as provided under Para-3 of this advertisement. They must inform their respective Head of Offices in writing regarding submission of their applications for this recruitment and obtain “No Objection Certificate”;
(vi) If a candidate has at any time, been debarred for a certain period/chance(s) by the Odisha Public Service Commission or other State Public Service Commission or U.P.S.C. from appearing at any examination/interview, he/she will not be eligible for such recruitment for that specified period/chance(s);
(vii) Only those candidates, who fulfil the requisite qualification & experience and are within the prescribed age limit etc. by the closing date of receipt of applications, will be considered eligible;
(viii) Before appointment, a candidate must register himself/herself under the Odisha Medical Registration Act, 1961;
(ix) A candidate must have rendered three years as Senior Resident/Tutor as provided under Paragraph-4 of this advertisement, by the last date of receipt of applications.

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