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The Public Enterprises Selection Board is seeking for the post of Managing Director, Indian Medicines Pharmaceutical Corporation

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The Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB) is seeking qualified candidates for the post of Managing Director, Indian Medicines Pharmaceutical Corporation Limited in schedule “D” of the CPSE, the scale of pay of the post being Rs.51300-73000/-(Revised). A copy of the job description for the post is enclosed.
It is requested that names of candidates seniority-wise who are found suitable for the said post as per the requirements indicated in the job description alongwith their up-to-date bio-data (in the prescribed form) duly endorsed may kindly be forwarded to PESB by 20th January, 2012. It is also requested that advance action may be taken to keep the ACRs for last 5 years, of those candidates ready alongwith their latest vigilance profile [(i) penalty imposed, if any during the last 10 years (ii) details of disciplinary action initiated/being initiated if any, etc.] to be furnished as and when the selection meeting is scheduled.


In case the relevant details are not received within the stipulated time, it will be assumed that there are no eligible candidates to be sponsored for the post.

AGE: On the date of occurrence of vacancy: Minimum 40 years.
Not more than 58 years for internal candidates and not more than 57 years for others.
The age of superannuation is 60 years.

The applicant should be a graduate with good academic record from a recognized university with adequate experience at a senior level of management in a large organization of good repute.
Persons with MBA/Technical qualifications and experience in management and familiarity with Finance, Marketing/Production will have added advantage. Knowledge of Pharmaceutical Industry is desirable.
Provided that minimum qualification is relaxable in the case of internal candidates with sound and adequate background and experience.


((a) Central Public Sector Executives.
Executives holding posts in the pay scale of:
Rs. 5550-6870 (IDA)
Rs. 7500-9900 (IDA) POST 01.01.1992
Rs. 17500-22300 (IDA) POST 01.01.1997
Rs. 36600-62000 (IDA) POST 01.01.2007
Rs. 12000-16500 (CDA)
Rs. 15600--39100 + GP Rs. 7600 (CDA)
The minimum length of service required in the eligible scale will be one year for internal candidates, and two years for others as on the date of vacancy.

Last date of receipt of applications in PESB is 20th January, 2012. No application shall be entertained under any circumstances after the stipulated date. Incomplete applications are liable to be REJECTED.
Board reserves the right to shortlist candidates for interview.
Applications are to be addressed to DR. (MRS) P. S. BEHURIA, Secretary, Public Enterprises Selection Board, Public Enterprises Bhawan, Block No. 14, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.

No. 6/19/2011-PESB
Government of India
Public Enterprises Selection Board
(Department of Personnel & Training)

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