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National AIDS Research Institute invites candidates for the post of Pharmacologist | Govt. Job

Clinical research courses

National AIDS Research Institute [NARI] was established in October 1992 in Bhosari, Pune on a seven acre plot. The Institute has progressively expanded its activities in various aspects of research on HIV and AIDS through infra-structural development, capacity building & research programmes. The present infrastructure includes the Institute housed in a 28024 sq. mtr space, residential accomadation for the staff, a power plant to ensure uninterrupted power supply and an incinerator for safe disposal of bio-waste.

Post: Pharmacologist (RS-I) (Medical) OR Pharmacologist (RS-I) (Non Medical)

Consolidated Salary:
For Medical: Rs.37,024/- + HRA Rs. 5,250/-OR
For Non Medical: Rs. 28,350/- + HRA Rs. 4,200/-

M.D. Pharmacology OR
M. Pharmacy with three years experience in Clinical Trials/ Clinical Research/ Research & Development

Desirable: Experience in Pharmacy Management in Clinical Research / Trials. Clinical Research Course of at least 6 weeks duration. Experience in Pharmokinetics studies.

Age: Below 45 years

Send Application Form given on website along with a cross demand draft for Rs. 25/- drawn in favour of Director, National AIDS Research Institute, 73, 'G' Block , MIDC, Bhosari, P.B. 1895, Pune 411026. Provision of providing Email Address and contact number is mandatory. Government servants should apply through proper channel. Director, NARI reserves the right to shortlist the candidates to be interviewed. Call letters will be sent to selected candidates by email only. Kindly bring full bio data and attested photocopies of proof of age, educational qualifications, mark sheets, degree certificats, experience letters at the time of interview. Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidates or bringing political or other influence with regards to selection shall be considered as a disqualification. Age and experience is relaxable in deserving cases.

Note:- Applications in the format given on the website must reach this office on or before 28th-December-2010. Please do not send any other documents along with application form.

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