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Walk in interview at All India Institute of Ayurveda for the post of ayurvedic pharmacist

Clinical research courses

Following positions in All India Institute of Ayurveda are proposed to be filled through Walk-in-Interview on 14th August 2010.
The details of the positions and eligibility requirements are as given below:-

Post: Pharmacist- Ayurveda cum store keeper [ 2 posts ]

Salary: 15000 INR per month
1) Diploma in Ayurvedic Pharmacy of two years duration from a recognized university.
2) 2 years experience as pharmacists in Ayurvedic hospital dispensaries, pharmacy

Age: up to35 years
Date of interview: 14th august, 11.30 am

Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria as mentioned above ma) appear for the Walk-in-interview in Committee Rooim (Room No 223) 2nd Floor. Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha. No. 61-65 Institutional Area. Pop. 'D' Block. Janak Puri. New Delhi- 110058 on .the said dates along with duly\ filled prescribed application form, original testimonials and the attested copies of the following certificates/enclosures:-
1) Applications are invited from the Indian nationals for the following purely temporary positions on contractual basis (or on deputation for position No. I- Senior Consultant) on prescribed application form  as per the qualification and experiences mentioned against each post.
2) Age will be reckoned as on 1.6.2010.  Age relaxation will be admissible as per rule for SC, ST, PBC candidates and candidates already working in Government services/ eminent institution.
3) Certificate in support of age (High School /Matriculation certificate).
4) Certificates in support of educational qualifications and experiences
5) Registration Certificate
6) Caste certificate in the prescribed format of Govt. of India

1) No TA/DA will be paid for the interview.
2) The appointment will be made initially for period of one year and may be extendable for another year on the basis of performance.
3) Service can be terminated at any time at the discretion of the competent authority
4) Reservation will be applicable as per Government norms.
5) During the appointment period private practice of any kind whatsoever shall not be allowed including any consultation and laboratory practice.
6) Candidates are advised to ensure that they fulfill the eligibilitycriteria as mentioned in the advertisement before coming for the Walk-in-Interview.
7) Incomplete application form will not be accepted.

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