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Opening for SRF, JRF, RA in IIPR - 6 posts

Clinical research courses

Indian Institute of Pulses Research (IIPR) is a national institute established by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to carry out basic strategic and applied research on major pulse crops. Besides generating basic knowledge and material, the Institute also develops appropriate production and protection technologies, production and supply of breeder seeds of improved varieties, demonstration and transfer of technologies and strategic coordination of pulse research through wide network of testing centers across the country.

Post: SRF, JRF, RA

Post: Senior Research Fellow “Mitigating abiotic stresses and enhancing resources use efficiency in pulses in rice fallows through innovative resurces conservation practices”
Salary: Rs. 16000 PM + 20% HRA
Essential: M. Sc. (Ag) in Soil Science or M.Sc. in Life Sciences
Age limit: 35 year for male and 40 years for female candidates
Date of interview and time: 03.04.2013 at 10.30 AM

Post: Research Associate “Development of Pod borer resistant Transgenic Pigeonpea and Chickpea (ICAR- NFBSFARA)
Salary: Rs. 23000/- PM + 20% HRA for M.Sc. candidates Rs. 24000/- + 20% HRA for Ph.D. candidates
Essential: Ph. D. degree in Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Life Sciences with specialization in Plant Biotechnology or M. Sc. degree in Biotechnology/Bioc hemistry/Life Sciences with specialization in Plant Biotechnology with two years of research experience.
Desirable: 1. Work experience in plant tissue culture. 2. Published research paper.
Age limit: 40 year for male and 45 years for female candidates
Date of interview and time: 04.04.2013 at 10.30 AM

Post: Senior Research Fellow “ Development of Pod borer resistant transgenic Pigeonpea and Chickpea (ICAR- NFBSFARA)
Salary: Rs. 16000 PM + 20% HRA
Essential: M. Sc. In Biotechnology/ M.Sc. (Ag) in Biotechnology/ M.Sc. in Life Sciences.
Desirable: Research experience in the field of Plant tissue
Age limit: 35 year for male and 40 years for female candidates
Date of interview and time: 05.04.2013 at 10.30 AM

Post: Senior Research Fellow ICAR-NPTC- Transgenics”
Salary: Rs. 16000 PM + 20% HRA
Essential: M. Sc. In Biotechnology/ M.Sc. (Ag) in Biotechnology/ M.Sc. in Life Sciences.
Desirable: Research experience in the field of Plant tissue
Age limit: 35 year for male and 40 years for female candidates
Date of interview and time: 05.04.2013 at 10.30 AM

Post: Junior Research Fellow “Centre of Excellenc for High throughput allele determination for molecular breeding”
Salary: Rs. 12000 PM + 20% HRA
Essential: M. Sc. In Biotechnology/ M.Sc. (Ag) in Biotechnology/M. Sc. in Genetics & Plant Breeding
Desirable: Working experience in the field of molecular marker
Age limit: 35 year for male and 40 years for female candidates
Date of interview and time: 05.04.2013 at 10.30 AM



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