Hurray! With all efforts from editors and continue support from readers, bringing up print copy of PharmaTutor from next issue. This is just a beginning and we will make all efforts to make our magazine more and more informative.
Our earth is like a microbe in this universe. There are so many questions which are not unfolded till date. We got so many drugs from natural sources either by referring ancient literatures or serendipity. But still there is a way ahead to achieve. Research concentration on few natural events may discover novel medicines or unique delivery systems. Current cover article pointed out few recent examples of such events which may be utilized to create medicinal history if we can pretend them correctly.
December issue speaks loudly about scientist who makes India proud, Dr. Subhas Mukherjee. His team announced the birth of India’s First and World's Second Test Tube baby by most easy and convenient method.
It also contain reviews on effect of magnetic field on cancer cells, medicinal plants affecting amnesia on scopolamine induced model, multiple sclerosis, prodrugs in solubility enhancement, herbal anti hypertension drugs, activities of different triazole analogues, mangifera indica, transfersomes and sustained release matrix tablets of baclofen.
Present issue contain researches on in silico study of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory potential of echinosystic acid, formulation and evaluation of cefuroxime, in vitro evaluation of ibuprofen loaded ethyl cellulose microspheres, phytochemical studies of verticillium teneru and acremonium, estimation of nitaoxanide by RP-HPLC and one survey research on knowledge regarding teratogenic effect of drugs among staff nurses.