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Quantitative estimation of Secondary Metabolite and Inhibitory effect of Azima Tetracantha leave extract against Candida Albicans

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PharmaTutor (October - 2016)


ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 4, Issue 10)


Received On: 24/03/2016; Accepted On: 12/05/2016; Published On: 01/10/2016


1 Department of Pharmaceutics, C.L.Baid metha College Of Pharmacy, Thoraipakkam, Chennai, India
2 Department of Pharmacognosy, C.L.Baid Metha College Of Pharmacy, Thoraipakkam, Chennai, India


ABSTRACT: The leaves of Azimatetracantha belongs to (salvadoraceae) commonly known as “mulluchangu” in tamil, it is a best known medicinal plant from ancient period. The plant has reported for many pharmacological action such as antifungal, antibacterial, hepatoprotective, anti inflammatory, anti ulcer, anti arthritic, hypolipidemia etc. The present study was investigated about the characteristics, quantitative estimation and antifungal activity of Azimatetracantha leave in different solvents extract (hexane, chloroform, ethanol, ethyl acetate and water) successfully. In quantitative estimation the leaves of Azimatetracantha shows 48.4 % yield of carbohydrate in water extract , 21% yield of phenol in ethanol extract and 24% in ethyl acetate extract and 19% yield of tannin in ethanol extract. In antifungal activity of Azimatetracanthaleave two standard drugs are used such as clotrimazole(10mcg/m1 as standard-1) and ketaconazole(10mcg/ml as standard -2). The antifungal activity was studied for all extracts in a concentration of 100mcg/ml, 200mcg/ml and 400mcg/ml against Candida albicans and Aspergillusniger. The Ethanol extract of a leave of Azimatetracantha in increasing concentration shows prominent activity against Candida albicans compared to other extract. The Hexane, Chloroform and Water extracts of a leave of Azimatetracantha shows moderate activity against Candida albicans compared to ethyl acetate extract. The Ethyl acetate extract shows slight activity against Candida albican scompare to other extracts. There was no activity was observed for various extracts of Azimatetacantha against Aspergillusniger.


How to cite this article: Sandhiya V, Kavitha C; Quantitative estimation of Secondary Metabolite and Inhibitory effect of Azima Tetracantha leave extract against Candida Albicans; PharmaTutor; 2016; 4(10); 37-42