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PharmaTutor (October - 2016)
ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 4, Issue 10)
Received On: 03/05/2016; Accepted On: 23/05/2016; Published On: 01/10/2016
Bhupender Singh, Arun Nanda, Vikaas Budhwar, Rakesh K. Marwaha
Department of Pharmacy,
M. D. University, Rohatak
Haryana, India
ABSTRACT: Generic drugs are as effective as their branded counterparts in terms of safety and efficacy. Although their exists several myths about quality of generic medicines because of its less price as compared to branded counterparts. The present study aims to evaluate and compare the quality of generic medicine with their branded counterparts as per Indian Pharmacopoeial standards and other validated methods on a commonly used type 2 diabetes drug (Metformin). The qualitative as well as quantitative studies were performed as per IP 2010. The official test performed includes uniformity of weight, disintegration, dissolution, assay and friability. Non official test includes hardness test and assay by HPLC using validated methods. The study revealed that branded as well as generic metformin tablets comply with the standards provided in IP 2010 and generic metformin was found to be 111.52% lesser in cost per tablet as compared to costliest branded version of metformin.
How to cite this article: Singh B, Nanda A, Budhwar V, Marwaha RK; A comparative evaluation of the quality & price of generic medicine with their branded counterparts; PharmaTutor; 2016; 4(10); 43-49

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