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Medicinal Efficacy of Rose Plant: A Mini Review

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PharmaTutor (October- 2015)


Print-ISSN: 2394 - 6679
e-ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 3, Issue 10)


Received On: 20/05/2015; Accepted On: 01/06/2015; Published On: 01/10/2015


AUTHORS: Sonali Nanda, Pratyush Kumar Das*
Centre of Biotechnology, Siksha O Anusandhan University,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India


ABSTRACT: A rose is a woody perennial plant belonging to the genus Rosa in the family Rosaceae. Known for its sweet smell and beauty, generally is used as a decorative in household and public gardens. Besides being used as a decorative, very few know its use as a medicinal herb. The petals, stems, leaves and roots of a rose plant contain various secondary metabolites and nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals. Extracts from different parts of rose plant have also been reported to show substantial anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activity. The parts of the plant especially the petals have high antioxidant property that helps in curing many health ailments. In this review the various vital constituents and medicinal properties of different parts of the plant have been highlighted. The information were collected online from various research papers and websites using search engines and assembled in a sequential manner to provide a complete knowledge guide for the readers.


How to cite this article: S Nanda, PK Das; Medicinal Efficacy of Rose Plant: A Mini Review; PharmaTutor; 2015; 3(10); 23-26