PharmaTutor (October- 2014)
ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 2, Issue 10)
Received On: 31/07/2014; Accepted On: 10/08/2014; Published On: 01/10/2014
Patel Divya .A.1*, Raj.Hasumati1, Patel Roshni2
1Department of Quality Assurance, Shree Dhanvantary Pharmacy College, Kim, Surat, Gujarat
2Piooner College of pharmacy, Baroda, Gujarat
Edaravone is a potent free radical scavenger (antioxidant) mainly use in the form of injection. It is used in the treatment of various cardiovascular diseases like acute ischemic stroke as well as in gastrointestinal injuries. This review article represent the various analytical methods which has been reported for estimation of edaravone in biological matrix as well as in synthetic mixture.The spectrophotometric techniques like fluorescent assay and ratio derivative spectroscopy; Chromatogrraphic methods like HPLC, HPTLC and RP HPLC were reported.
How to cite this article: DA Patel, R Hasumati, R Patel; Edaravone: A Review on Analytical Method and its Determination in Biological Matrix and Synthetic Mixture; PharmaTutor; 2014; 2(10); 80-84

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