PharmaTutor (November- 2014)
ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 2, Issue 11)
Received On: 23/09/2014; Accepted On: 26/09/2014; Published On: 01/11/2014
AUTHORS: Monika A. Rana*, Hasumati A. Raj
Department of Quality Assurance
Shree Dhanvantary College of Pharmacy,
Kim, Gujarat, India
Levosulpiride is an atypical antipsychotic agent. Levosulpiride is the levo enantiomer of sulpiride. It is a substitute benzamide which is meant to be used for several indications: depression, psychosis, somatoform disorders, emesis and dyspepsia. It blocks the presynaptic dopaminergic D2 receptor. Chemically it is N-[[(2S)-1-Ethylpyrrolidin-2-yl] methyl]-2-methoxy-5 sulfamoylbenzamide. several method such as HPLC in human plasma, area under curve, stability by RP-HPLC is done. The parent drug is given in a dose of 400-1800 mg orally. According to literature survey study of impurity profiling of LIVOSULPIRIDE in presence of intermediate has not been reported.
How to cite this article: MA Rana, R Hasumati; A Review on Analytical Methods for Determination of Levosulpiride in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Biological Sample; PharmaTutor; 2014; 2(11); 66-74

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